Prepping for Finals Week? We're here to help - read through our "Survival Guide" below!
Final Exam Schedule
Take Advantage of FREE Tutoring
There is still time to take advantage of the support provided by the Tutoring Centers:
Mathematics Learning Center
(MLC) is located in the Science Building room 216 and open for walk-in/in-person tutoring; on-line appointments available as well:
Campus Resources
Come to our Healthy Living Day and unwind/relax before finals. Play with puppies, do yoga, garden and so much more!
Download your free subscription to The 10 Minute Mind! Learn to manage your stress in only 10 short minutes a day.
The Counseling Center is here to help you reach your personal, academic and career goals. To speak with a counselor call 718-631-6370 or email The CUNY Crisis Text Line is also here to support you: Text 741741 for free, 24/7, confidential crisis support.
Library Resources
Hours extended for finals!
May 15-18: 8am-8:45pm
May 22-23: 8am-8:45pm
Student Union Building
The Student Union Building is open if you are looking for a place to relax or get some work done!
Monday - Thursday, 9:00am-6:45pm
Friday, 9am-4:45pm
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Fuel Up For Finals
We've lined up a series of Fuel Up for Finals events:
On Monday, May 15, from 11 am - 1 pm, the campus Food Pantry will be providing students the nutrition they need as they prepare for final exams. A free bag of food will be distributed to students who RSVP prior to May 15. Please email: with your full name and student ID.
Free grab & go coffee and snacks will be available for students during finals week in the science Atrium:
Wednesday, May 17 (9:00 - 11:00 am and 4:00 - 5:00 pm)
Thursday, May 18 (9:00 - 11:00 am and 4:00 - 5:00 pm)
Friday, May 19 (9:00 - 11:00 am) - NO AFTERNOON SESSION
Monday, May 22 (9:00 - 11:00 am and 4:00 - 5:00 pm)
Summer & Fall Registration/Advisement Is Underway
Registering for Summer Session and Fall '23 should be a priority! If you haven't already done so, register using Schedule Builder on CUNYfirst to get the classes you need and the schedule that works best for you.
If you need help selecting your classes, call, email or use Starfish to contact your adviser or office:
Academy Advisement:, 718.631.6329
ASAP:, 718.631.6680
College Discovery:, 718.631.6210
International Students:, 718.631.6611
Services for Students with Disabilities:, 718.631.6257
Office of Military and Veterans Services, 718.281.5767
Use DegreeWorks and Schedule Builder to choose your classes, plan your schedule then register for classes on CUNYfirst.
We are here to help you get ready for winter and spring '22. You can email to make an appointment with an adviser using Starfish or CUNYfirst.