Mindfulness Club - Meeting Room: Humanities Building, H-417
Our Purpose:
Mindfulness Club aims to offer students, faculty, and community a space of relaxation and attention training, as well as, making friends with people who are interested in contemplative practices. We offer Mindfulness Workshops, invite Guest Speakers, sponsor different Student Club events, and collaborate with VAPA, CETL, FIG, and different on-campus Departments for interdisciplinary works.
View the Campus Events calendar for Club Sponsored Events.
Club Advisor:
Dr. Joanne Chang - jchang@qcc.cuny.edu
Mindfulness Club Schedule
Spring 2024 Events
Mindfulness Club Meetings begin at 12:15pm on Wednesdays
Presentation Topic: First Meeting: 8 Form Stretching and Body Scan
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 - 12:15-2:00pm
Advisor & Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presenttion Topic: R.I.S.E. - Road to Interdependence and Student Excellence/Wellness Program: Observation, Eating, and Sitting Meditation.
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Advisor & Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Medical Arts Building, Room: M-362
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Breathing Exercise and Body Massage
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Advisor & Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Body Scan and Breathing Exercise
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Advisor & Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: R.I.S.E. - Road to Interdependence and Student Excellence/Wellness Program: Mindful Tea Drinking.
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Advisors & Speakers: Ms. Matos-Aviles & Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Medical Arts Building, Room: M-362
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presenation Topic: R.I.S.E. - Road to Interdependence and Student Excellence/Wellness Program: Direct Contemplation and Walking Meditation (Art Gallery and Pagoda, next to Oakland Dining Room)
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Advisor & Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Art Gallery and Pagoda, next to Oakland Dining Room
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Mindfulness and Creative Writing Club Party
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club and Creative Writing Club
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Advisors & Speakers: Dr. Joanne Change and Prof. Alison Cimino
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Transcendental Meditation
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club and QCC Counseling Center
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Advisors & Speakers: Dr. Joanne Change and Dr. Jannette Urciuoli
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Last Mindfulness Cub Meeting: More Body Scan and Breathing Exercises
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Advisor & Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Mindfulness & Meditation Workshop Series
Fall 2023 Events
Welcome to the Mindfulness Club! Thank you for joining us and I hope by learning some techniques and good concept about the practice, it will benefit you in the long run.
We're meeting a few times each semester only and we're collaborating with the Psychology Club, Creative Writing Club, and the Nursing Department Wellness Program. You'll meet some friends and practice in a friendly environment with us.
Join us and learn to meditate, facilitated by Dr. Joanne Chang, Student Club Advisor of the Mindfulness Club.
- Learn what it means to be "Mindful" and how this practice can benefit you.
- Experience a Sitting Guided Meditation. Practice simple body scanning and breathing.
- Experience an active mindful meditation walk with breathing and stretching exercises.
- Learn how to apply the practice to help relieve stress and form awareness.
Here are the dates, times, and locations. Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesdays!
Presentation Topic: Introduction to Mindfulness & Daily Applications
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 - 12:15-1:10pm
Advisor & Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Contemplative Poetry Through Taste & Oberservation
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club & Creative Writing Club
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 12:10-2:00pm
Speaker: Prof. Alison Cimino, MFA
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-333
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor:
Dr. Joanne Chang - email: jchang@qcc.cuny.edu
Creative Writing Club Student Club Advisors:
Prof. Benjamin Miller -email: bmiller@qcc.cuny.edu;
Prof. Alison Cimino - email: acimino@qcc.cuny.edu.
Presentation Topic: Mindful Walking
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Meeting Locaton: Outdoor Meeting-Meet at Pergola-12:15-1:15pm - In case of rain - Room: MA-343
Meeting Location: Virtual Meeting - 4:00-5:00pm - To Join: click: https://bit.ly/mmqcc.
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Mindful Sitting & Breathing
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 12:15-1:15pm
Meeting Location: Medical Arts Building, Room: MA-343
Mindfulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
Presentation Topic: Mindful Studying in Preparation for Upcoming Exams
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 - 12:15-1:15pm
Meeting Room: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Mindulness Club Student Club Advisor: Dr. Joanne Chang
For more information, contact CareerTechEd@qcc.cuny.edu or Dr. Joanne Chang at jchang@qcc.cuny.edu
Combining Mindfulness, Wellness and Community for Joyful Living
Spring 2023 Events
Presentation Topic: Psychology of (Music) Performance Anxiety and Tools to Help
Sponsored by: Music Department
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 12:30-2:00pm Eastern Time (U.S. and Canada)
Advisor and Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 2068 6932
Passcode: 940152
For phone Zoom:
Meeting ID: 841 2068 6932
Passcode: 940152
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kjB1SW1Su
Mindfulness & Meditation
Sponsored by: Nursing Department, Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - 12:10-2:00pm in Room: M-343, In-Person
Advisor and Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Join us for a Workshop to learn how to meditate, facilitated by Professor Joanne Chang, the Student Club Advisor of the QCC Mindfulness Club. Contact: CareerTech Ed@qcc.cuny.edu.
- Learn what it means to be "Mindful" and how this practice can benefit you.
- Experience a Guided Meditation - Practice simple body scanning and breathing.
- Learn how to apply the practice to help relieve stress and form awareness.
Supported for the development/production of this material is provided by a Grant under the Strengthening Career & Technical Education for the 21st Century Act administered by the New York State Education Department.
Choiceless Awareness
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Friday, March 17, 2023 - 12:30-1:30pm via Zoom
Speaker: Josh Wright, CUNY MIndfulness & Contemplative Studies (MBSR)
Virtual Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84113082824?pwd=VGVDTk5yRUhXNWZqdjRqT2RpdG5jZz09
Meeting ID: 841 1308 2824
"Choiceless awareness" (also known as "open presence") is one of the flagship practices in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), the standardized program that launched the modern scientific study of mindfulness and meditation. Guiding us through this practice will be Josh Wright, an Economist and a Mindfulness Teacher. Josh has experienced the power of mindfulness to manage workplace pressures and improve relationships, from high-stakes policy-making at the Federal Reserve to live broadcast media at Bloomberg LLP. a graduate of Harvard and Yale, and certified by Brown University as an Instructor of MBSR, Josh teaches a course on MBSR in the Psychology Department of the City College of New York, and he co-founded the CUNY Mindfulness & Contemplative Studies (CMCS) Initiative. He has taught mindfulness in a broad array of environments, from corporate finance departments to cancer clinics and homeless youth shelters. After the guidance, Josh will facilitate a discussion of the practice and of MBSR itself, including its combination of Asian and American roots. Come for the practice; stay for the conversation! All are welcome to attend.
Fall 2022 Events
Relaxation Workshop
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 12:20-2:00pm in Room: H-110, In-Person
Advisor and Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
The relaxation techniques will train you to relax your body physically and focus on your mind simultaneqously, so with practice you may execute performance and other exams with better results. One of the lectures will include understanding the mechanism of Music Performance Anxiety (MPM) physically, emotionally, and mentally based on scientific research results. A practice of applications on the techniques in your musical performances will follow later on in the semester.
Mindfulness Practices to Perform Our Best
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - 12:30-2:00pm In-Person in Room: H-144 and Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82396798251, Meeting ID: 823 9679 8251
Speaker: Jun Ishidoya-Wang
Develop mindfulness skills that can help you concentrate and focus on your tasks and goals. Breathing, relaxation, and imagery practices will be covered. Learn how to deal with performance and test anxiety with confidence building techniques and stress management skills. Jun Ishidoya-Wang, M.S.Ed., LMHC from QCC Counseling Center. Jun is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the Counseling Center at QCC and Adjunct Faculty at LIM College. Her counseling experience also includes working at Baruch College, LaGuardia Community College, Children's Aid Society, The After-School Corporation, Stuyvesant High School, and Mental Health Counseling and Marriage Family Therapy of New York. She is an advocate for the well-being of students from diverse backgrounds.
Mindfulness in Yoga
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
This is a Virtual Event for Students on Zoom from 1:00-2:00pm:
Meeting Dates:
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Speaker: Carrie Diamond-Feldman, Psy.D., LMHC from QCC Counseling Center
To Join the Event you must Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrfu6trDgjHNZnbjpsmPaugc26DAOoN>
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 836 9752 3962
Passcode: 884668
Please join us for this gentle, but invigorating yoga class that will help you build mental and physical flexibility, strength, and balance. You should have a mat or towel and yoga blocks (if you don't have blocks, you can use a book).
Mindful Breathing Exercises for Calming and Releasing Stress
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club
Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 - 12:30-2:00pm
Location: Humanities Building, Room: H-110
Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang
Breathing is vital and it serves as a connection to our emotions, bodies, and minds. By learning different methods and with regular practices, you will pick one that works for you which will help you to slow down your running thoughts and become more aware of the tenseness in different parts of your body on the daily basis. Come and learn something that may benefit you and help you to enjoy the moment to moment serendipities of your life.
KHC-NEH Workshop: Mindfulness and Meditation - Towards a Compassionate Self
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, 2022-23 Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC) and National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Colloquium, "Trauma, Remembrance, and Compassion." The Event is organized by the KHC at Queensborough Community College and is Co-Sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) at QCC.
Date: Wednesday, Novermber 16, 2022 - 2:00-4:00pm
Speakers: Dr. Joanne Chang and Prof. Alison Cimino
KHC-NEH Workshop (Faculty Only)
Mindfulness and Meditation: Towards a Compassionate Self
Click here to register: https://tinyurl.com/2p9ydmw5
Are you stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? Do you want to learn how to practice mindfulness and meditation to slow down? Join QCC Professors Alison Cimino, Lecturer of English and Dr. Joanne Chang, Professor of Music, in this Workshop as they help us to deepen awareness, mindfulness, and compassion for self and others, especially during stressful and busy times.
Spring 2021 Events
Forging an Ethical Path for Secular Mindfulness
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club and the Music Department
Date: Friday, February 19, 2021 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Watch Forging an Ethical Path for Secular Mindfulness event
Speaker: Dr. Frank Diaz, Ph.D.
What is mindfulness? While it has become a household name, not all agree on its meaning. In his talk, Psychology, Ethics, and Spirituality - Unraveling the Knots of Mindfulness, Diaz, a scholar and teacher in the field of contemplative science, will illuminate the similarities and differences between Buddhist and contemporary psychological framings of mindfulness and suggest an ethical path forward for studying and applying mindfulness in secular settings.
Dr. Frank Diaz is a Professor at the Indiana Univeristy Jacobs School of Music, affiliate faculty for the IU Cognitive Science Program, and Founder and Director of the Insititute for MIndfulness-Based Wellness and Pedagogy. He teaches meditative practices across the United States, and media outlets, such as CNN, NPR, Science Daily, and Huffpost have featured his work. Join us and unravel the nuances of modern mindfulness!
Stress and Anxiety: Beneficial or Destructive?
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Health, Physical Education and Dance Department, and the Office of Student Activities
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Register for the Stress and Anxiety: Beneficial or Destructive? event
Speaker: Dr. Rezan Akpinar, Ph.D.
Featuring Dr. Rezan Akpinar of Heath, Physical Education, and Dance Department. Stress and Anxiety: Beneficial or Destructive? While stress and anxiety in moderation are sometimes necessary for our daily work routines and general survival, when levels of stress or anxiety fluctuate to extremes in either direction, they can become a constraint to our emotional progression, and inhibit our enjoyment of life. A prolonged fluctuation in a peron's level of anxiety or stress can even manifest physical ailments if gone untreated. In our Presentation, we will explore the effects of stress and anxiety on the body-mind complex, and go over self-care techniques, including acupressure and breathing to take back control of the levels of stress and anxiety we produce.
Additionally, we will explore the benefits these techniques can have on a student's academic career, ranging from a more effective test-taking mind set to the positive change these techniques can have on time management and social routines. If attending this event, wear comfortable clothing, and try to attend from a calm and quiet space.
Sponsored by: Creative Writing Club, Mindfulness Club, and the Office of Student Activities
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Register for the Gratitude Journaling Event
Speakers: Prof. Benjamin Miller and Prof. Alison Crimino
...Long as the sea. I'm more than a conqueror, bigger Than bravery, I don't march. I'm the one who leaps from "Crossing." from Jericho Brown.
...I can't help thinking no word will ever be as full of life as this world, I can't help thinking of thanks. from "Slant" by Suju Kwovk Kim.
What is gratitude practice? How do I journal and create a gratitude journal, and why might I want to? These are questions we will explore in this Gratitude Jounaling Event. Please join us as we practice different ways of creating gratitude journals and share our thoughts in a friendly space. We will explore some approaches to gratitude practice and read poems that touch our gratitude as well. Please join the Creative Writing Club as we explore this practice and share our thoughts in this community event.
Healthy Life Balance: Yoga and Meditation
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Health, Physical Education and Dance Department, and the Office of Student Activities
Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Register for the Healthy Life Balance: Yoga and Meditation event
Speaker: Dr. Andrea Salis, Ph.D.
Featuring Dr. Andrea Salis, from the Health, Physical Education, and Dance Department. This session will provide a personal exploration and introduction to creating a healthy life balance. Basic yoga and meditative practices will be demonstrated. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing.
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Art and Design Department, and the Office of Student Activities
Date: Thursday, March 11, 2021 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Register for the Art & Mind event
Speaker: Prof. Susan Gonzalez
Featuring Professor Susan Gonzalez from the Art and Design Department, for this session we will define mindfulness and see how it can be used with art as a tool to alleviate stress. We will practice different exercises combining mindfulness and art. These exercises are simple and easy and can be used anywhere. You will need five pieces of paper and a pen or pencil or marker.
Peacebuilding Through Awareness and Improvisation - Part 1
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Transformative Learning in the Humanities at the City University of New York (CUNY), the Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC), the Office of Student Activities "Thrive Series", and the QCC Visual and Performing Arts Academy (VAPA)
Date: Friday, March 12, 2021 - 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM EST
Register for Peacebuilding Through Awareness and Improvisation - Part 1
Speakers: Facilitators include members of the QCC's Student and Alumni Practice Group, including Jessica Kreisler and Yineng Ye, Global Citizenship Alumni; Arawana Hayashi, Creator of Social Presencing Theatre; Manish Srivastava, a Global Facilitator whose Projects include Partnering with U.N. Agencies and N.G.O. Sectors; and CUNY Faculty members: Heather Huggins, Advanced Practioner of STP and Assistant Professor of Theatre; Aviva Geismar, Associate Professor of Dance.
Social Presencing Theatre (SPT) decolonizes learning by reclaiming the body as an equitable way of knowing and being. SPT centers first-person experience via a improvisational and cyclical process, inviting participants to perceive a larger present. Because SPT is practiced in community, it positions our relational spaces and the distinct cultures that emerge from them, as worthy reflection and development. The "theatre" in SPT refers to a shared place where something of significance is made visible.
The first Virtual Event is a Webinar, Co-Presented with Queensborough Community College's Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC). Facilitators will guide awareness and listening practices that may be enacted in a chair with limited space. Attendees will learn about a Workshop on "Empathy to Action," which CUNY students developed in Partnership with the KHC last year. Facilitators will also share about their experiences integrating SPT in local and global context, reflecting on the potential of SPT to transform intransigent problems. or
The second Event invites attendees to immerse in the Practices of Social Presencing Theatre. Click here to Register Part 2, scheduled on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM EST.
Register for Peacebuilding Through Awareness and Improvisation - Part 2
The Brain Dance: Integrating Mind and Body to Facilitate Focus
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Health, Physical Education and Dance Department, and the Office of Student Activities
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Register for The Brain Dance: Integrating Mind and Body to Facilitate Focus
Speaker: Prof. Nicole Y. McClum, MFA, CMA
Featuring Nicole Y. McClum (MFA, CMA) of the Health, Phycial Educaiton and Dance Department. The brain dance is a sequence composed of fundamental movement patterns and is adaptable for many types of movers. When performed in their prescribed order, it is a centering-tool to prepare the brain and body for mental activity and a recuperation or refocusing tool after sitting for long periods of time. Because when we look at screens, we go into ocular lock staring with no movement in our oxygenate our brains. Staring at screens for long periods of time can lead to difficulty and physical discomfort. In addition to leading participants through the Brain Dance, Nicole will explain the parts of the sequence and give participants the tools to create their own brain dance.
Music Without Borders: A Pianist Journey with Mindfulness
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Tzu Chi Center, Music Department, and the Office of Student Activities
Date: Friday, March 19, 2021 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Watch Music Without Borders: A Pianist Journey with Mindfulness
Speaker: Dr. Joanne Chang, Ph.D.
Music arranged for piano solo from French Impressionism and 19th Century German classic songs based on two sets of poems, and Argentinian Tango by a New Yorker and Ragtime by a black female composer from the 20th Century will be performed. Mindful listening, appreciation, and connection with poetry, racial/gender issues, as well as, compassion will be shared.
Featuring Dr. Joanne Chang, the New York-based classical pianist has performed extensively worldwide on five continents as a recitalist, solo with orchestras, and in various chamber music ensembles. In 1995, she gave her recital debut in Australia, and subsequently performed at Die Stiftung Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival in Germany, as well as, at major Concert Halls in the United Kingdom, Taiwan, China, Switzerland, South Africa, United States, and at the prestigious Carnegie Zankel & Weill Halls in New York City.
Dr. Chang has also established herself as an interdisciplinary researcher (music and psychology). She has a few publicaitons in scientific peer-reviewed journals, such as, Psychology of Music, Medical Problems for Performing Artists, and Journal of Performance and Mindfulness.
Currently, Dr. Joanne Chang is a Professor at Queensboroug Community College of the City University of New York.
Mindfulness and Discipline - Balancing our Activities of Daily Life
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Psychology Club, and Office of Student Activities
Date: Friday, April 9, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Register for Mindfulness and Discipline - Balancing our Activities of Daily Life
Speaker: David Listen
"Mindfulness" is often associated with sitting meditation, focus, calming, concentration, or a passive awareness of feelings and thoughts. Mindfulness in a deeper sense is awareness of the causes and effects our behavior of our body, speech, and mind amid our daily life activities. With awareness of our human condition comes an ability to skillfully arrange our activities in a manner of which, we wisely and compassionately engage with our environment and other people. David will share his experience of how to use mindfulness to understand our mind and thus balance our daily life activities.
For the past 15 years, David Listen has trained in the Chan/Zen tradition of meditation and mindful way of life. For 11 of those years he was a monk, living a life of discipline and service and mentoring people along their path of self-exploration. David Listen traveled around the world and studied closely with Zen masters, leading and engaging in numerous meditation retreats, group coaching, and one-on-one mentoring.
Mindfulness Oriented Psychotherapy
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Psychology Club, and the Office of Student Activities
Date: Friday, April 16, 2021 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Register to attend Mindfulness Oriented Psychotherapy
Speaker: Dr. Peter Lin, Ph.D.
In the past several decades, mindfulness training has been increasingly integrated into Western psychotherapy practice. The number of articles published on mindfulness-based intervention has increased enormously in recent years. This Presentation will explore different aspects of mindfulness training, especially its clinical purpose.
Event featuring Dr. Peter Lin, Associate Chair, and Professor at St. Joseph's College. Dr. Peter Lin is a licensed Psychologist who specialized in mindful-oriented psychotherapy. He received an M.S. in Biostatistics from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (Health Emphasis) from Yeshiva University (Ferkauf Graduate School & Einstein School of Medicine). Workshop will explore the role of mindfulness in psychotherapy.
Peacebuilding Through Awareness and Improvisation - Part 2
Sponsored by: Mindfulness Club, Transformative Learning in the Humanities in the City University of New York (CUNY), the Harriet & Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center (KHC), the Office of Student Activities "Thrive Series", QCC Visual and Performing Arts Academy (VAPA)
Date: Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM EST
Register for Peacebuilding Through Awareness and Improvisation - Part 2
Speakers: Facilitators include Members of the QCC's Students of the Alumni and Practice Group, including Jessica Keisler and Yineng Ye, Global Citizenship Alliance Alumni; Arawana Hayashi, Creator of Social Presencing Theatre; Manish Srivastava, a Global Facilitator whose Projects include U.N. Agencies and N.G.O. Sectors; and CUNY Faculty members: Heather Huggins, Advanced Practioner of STP and Assistant Professor of Theatre; Aviva Geismar, Associate Professor of Dance.
Social Presencing Theatre (SPT) decolonizes learning by reclaiming the body as an equitable way of knowing and being. SPT centers first-person experience via an improvisational and cyclical process, inviting participants to perceive a large present. Because SPT is practiced in community, it positions our relational spaces, and the distinct cultures that emerge from them, as worth reflection and development. The "theatre" in SPT refers to a shared place where something of significance is made visible.
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