Faculty Biography - Regina A. Rochford, Ed.D.
- Doctorate in Education, St. John’s University, New York 2004
- M.S. Ed., Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages, Queens College, CUNY, 1993
- M.P.A., Baruch College, CUNY, 1980
- B.A., Spanish, Baruch College, CUNY, 1978
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Writing and Reading
- Learning-style pedagogy
- ACT Reading and Writing test preparation
- Service Learning
- The Keys to the CATW: A Guidebook, Second Edition, 2013. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque Iowa
- The Keys to the CATW: A Guidebook, Second Edition, 2011. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque Iowa
- The Keys to the CAAW: A Guidebook, 2010. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque Iowa
- Grammar Made Simple for ESL Writers, 2010. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque Iowa
- Getting Your Act Together: A Guidebook. Rochford, Regina (2002). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque. Iowa.
- Getting Your Act Together: A Guidebook Revised Edition. Rochford, Regina (2003). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque. Iowa.
- An Inductive Approach to English Grammar and Composition for ESL Students. Rochford, Regina (2000). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque. Iowa.
- An Inductive Approach to English Grammar for ESL Students. Rochford, Regina (1998). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque. Iowa.
- Pearson Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and Practice Reading Passages. Third Edition. Rochford and Pantaleo (2012). Pearson
- Pearson Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and Practice Reading Passages. Second Edition. Rochford and Pantaleo (2009). Pearson
- Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and Practice Reading Passages. Rochford and Pantaleo (2008).
- Pearson Test Taking Tips for the ACT Reading Compass Exam and
- Getting Your Act Together Second Edition: A Guidebook Second Edition. Rochford, Regina (2004). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque. Iowa.
Chapter in a Book
- Rochford, R. A. (2014). Service learning a vehicle for enhancing academic performance and retention among community college developmental reading and writing students. In Z. Perel & A. Traver (Eds.) Service-Learning at the American Community College: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. New York: Palgrave/McGraw Hill.
Journal Articles
- Rochford, Regina, A. & Comeau-Kirschner, C. (January, 2015). An innovative developmental reading experiment: Integrated collaborative teaching and thematic curriculum. NYS TESOL Journal, 2(1).
- Rochford, Regina, A. (Spring 2014) Writing: A tool for historic preservation and civic engagement. Journal of Civic Commitment.
- Rochford, Regina, A. (2013) Service learning for remedial reading and writing students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 37(5), 1-9.
- Rochford, Regina, A. (in press) Social Network, Instant Message and Text Message Usage by Community College Students. Submitted for review August 2012.
- Rochford, Regina, A. & Comeau-Kirschner, Cheryl. (in press) An Innovative Developmental Reading Experiment: Integrated Team Teaching and Thematic Curriculum
- Rochford, Regina A. & Hock, Susan. (2010). A Letter Writing Campaign: Linking Academic Success and Civic Engagement.
- Rochford, Regina, A. (2009, September) Dreaming the Impossible Dream: Getting Through College. Insights on Learning Disabilities 5(1), 89-10.
- Rochford, R. A. & Maltzman, R. (in press). To reach the unreachable star: Academic success and developmental learners.
- Rochford, Regina, A. and Tai, Emily (February, 2007). It’s about Time: Getting down to Basics in Western Civilization. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 31(2).
- Rochford, Regina, A. (Fall, 2006). Enhancing Standardized Assessment Scores and Academic Performance through Learning Styles. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College-JARCC, 14(1),29-38.
- Rochford, Regina, A. (Spring, 2006) Are We Teaching the Way our Students Learn? Radical Pedagogy, 8(1), 1-21.
- Rochford, Regina, A. (Fall, 2005). Understanding Business Majors’ Learning Styles to Improve College Business Programs. Community College Enterprise, 11(2), 21-31.
- Rochford, Regina, A. (Fall, 2004). Improving Academic Performance and Retention among Remedial Students. Community College Enterprise, 10(2), 23-37.
- Rochford, Regina, A. (2004). Helping ESL Students Get Their Acts Together: Preparing Students for the ACT Writing Skills Test. Community Review Journal CUNY (Winter 2004) Volume XVIII
- Rochford, Regina, A. (2004). Improving Academic Performance and Retention among Remedial Students. Fall 2004, Community College Enterprise
- Rochford, Regina. A. (2003, September). Assessing learning styles to improve the quality of performance of students in developmental writing programs at an urban community college. Community College Journal of Research and Practice Volume 27 Number 8 pp 665-678
Creative Articles
- A Couple Truly Wedded in Death. In Cape Cod Times Lifestyle/Arts Section, April 30, 1998
- Moving Beyond the Sudden Death of a Child. in The SIDS Survival Guide: Information and Comfort for Grieving Family and Friends and Professionals Who Seek to Help Them, SIDS Educational Services, Hyatsville, MD. 1997
- Airline Tragedy Strikes a Personal Chord. In Village Herald Newspaper, January 1997.
- A Gift From Mom in Her New Career. In New York Times, May 12, 1996
Book Reviews
- A Meta-analysis of the Dunn and Dunn Correlational Research with Adult Populations: What We Discovered about How Adults Learn Book Author Christine Mangino, Ed.D.
- The History of the Dunn and Dunn Learning-Style Model Author Sharon R. Parris, Ed.D. Publisher: The Edwin Mellen Press.
- Motivating Teaching in Higher Education. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.
Other Publications
- Rochford, Regina, A. (March, 2007). A guide for tutors in reading history. Reading Across the Disciplines. Published by Queensborough Community College: Bayside, New York.
- Participated in the development of the Bridges Grant for Biology 115 course
- Worked with Dr. Raji Subramaniam in BI-115 to provide support to students who experience difficulty reading the Biology textbook and making notes in the new BI-115 course.
- Designed an Intersession Immersion Workshop for BE121and 225 students to prepare BE225 learners for the ACT Reading Compass exam. (January 2011, June 2011) (Pantaleo and Rochford) January 2011 pass rate was 72% and June 2011 was 66% on the ACT Reading Compass exam.
- Designed and implemented innovative a Summer Immersion USIP workshop for BE-225 and BE-201/203 Students. (Pantaleo and Rochford) Summer 2011
Scholarly Presentations at National/Regional Professional Conventions
- Case Studies in Pedagogical Research: Service Learning at CUNY’s C3IRG: One-Day Workshop in Pedagogical Research and Design, Borough of Manhattan Community College, January 14, 2014.
- The Effects of Service Learning on Developmental Students at Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 5, 2014.
- Service-Learning at the American Community College: Theoretical & Empirical Perspectives at: The Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education 4th Annual Research Institute Medford, MA. July 17-18, 2013
- A Service-Learning Collaboration with the Queens Historical Society and Basic Skills Students. (May 10, 2013) CUNY Gen Ed Conference at John Jay.
- Using Service Learning Pedagogy as Research. CUNY’s C3IRG: A One-Day Workshop in Pedagogical Research Design. Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY. January 14, 2013.
- Effects of Service Learning on Remedial Reading and Writing Students at an Urban Community College. (May 11, 2012). CUNY Gen Ed Conference at the College of Staten Island.
- Using Community as Classroom for Retention and Career Exploration, (November, 2011) The 11th Annual International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE), Chicago Illinois
- Using Community as Classroom for Retention and Career Exploration, April 11, 2011. Annual Conference of the American Association of Community Colleges. New Orleans.
- Effects of Service Learning on Remedial Reading and Writing Students. CUNY Gen Ed Conference at York College, May 13, 2011.
- A Virtual Learning Community: The Interdisciplinary ePortfolio Wiki Collaboration Project. 6th Annual CUNY General Education Conference, May 7, 2010
- Reaching the Unreachable Star: Understanding how Developmental Students Learn (April 10, 2010) Long Island TESOL.
- A letter writing campaign: Linking Academic Success and Civic Engagement Long Island TESOL, April 2009
- A letter writing campaign: Linking Academic Success and Civic Engagement at Epsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. DKG is an international association for women educators March, 12, 2009
- Applied for PSC CUNY Grant to Proposal for Social Network and Instant Message Usage by Community College Students January 2012
- 2004 National Association of Developmental Educations Outstanding Dissertation Award
- Recipient of Saint John University’s Academic Excellence Award 2002
Special Projects
- Service Learning and Developmental Writing
- Developed special learning styles responsive materials for our department’s Learning Center to assist our students in passing the ACT writing and reading tests.
- Active participant in Queensborough Community College’s Circle of Writers.
- Assist doctoral candidates in writing their dissertation manuscripts.
Special Courses
- Integrating Team Teaching, Innovative Curriculum Development and Thematic Literature into an Blended Advanced Reading Course.
- Integrated Service Learning into developmental reading and writing courses (Fall 2008 – present)
- Taught the ESL Express, a course during which students take BE-203 and BE-205 in one semester (1999 – 2008).
- Participated in a learning community that linked ESL Reading and Writing to History 111.
Service to the College
- Member of the CUNY IRB Board January 2012 – September 2012.
- Chairperson of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) July 2011 – December 2011
- Member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) 2006 – Sept 2012
- Member of the Academic Senate, 2004 - present
- Chairperson for the Committee on Committees 2009-2010
- Student Advisement
Favorite quotes
- Anything worth having is worth working for.
- Working hard builds character