Accelerated Learning Program
The Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) is offered by the English Department. ALP allows students still in need of completing their developmental English requirement to take English 101, a course that is credit-bearing and that fulfills a general education requirement. ALP classes are a little smaller than other classes, creating a strong class community and allowing students a lot of time to work one-on-one with their instructor.
In the ALP model at QCC, students with a developmental need in English can enroll concurrently in an English 99 course and a linked English 101 course. If you are in ALP, your English 99 course will consist of all ALP students, and your ENGL101 will consist of the same ALP students in your ENGL99 class as well as other ENGL101 students. Both of these classes will be taught by the same instructor.
Because the English 101 course that ALP students take is connected to a specific English 99 course, ALP students will get the support they need to succeed in their English 101 class as they develop their writing and reading skills. The goal is to give students the opportunity to complete in one semester what normally takes two. In order to succeed in the program, students who enroll must be highly motivated and willing to complete intensive assignments.
ALP Student Eligibility
Students are eligible to take ALP if they are
- Incoming students who receive an English Proficiency Index score of 50 - 64
- Incoming students who are identified as ESL and are recommended for ALP based on a diagnostic writing exam (CAT-E)
- Students exiting from CUNY Start or CLIP and are recommended for ALP based on program exit requirements
To register, please contact your academic advisor. If you have questions, please email Deputy Chairperson Ilse Schrynemakers at