Meeting Minutes for September 04, 2019


The Academic Senate Committee on Academic Development/Elective Academic Programs met on September 04, 2019 at 1:00 pm in RFK-216

Committee Members in Attendance:


In Attendance: Rezan Akpinar(Chair Person), Joanne Chang(Faculty), Merlinda Drini(Faculty), Renee Rhodd(HEO-Co-Chair), Ilse Scherynemakers(Secretary), David Pham(Faculty), Michael Pullin ( Presidential Designee)


Liaisons in Attendance:

Dean Michael Pullin


The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm

  1. The “Guide for Committee on Academic Development/Elective Academic Programs”: the changes in the Guide were approved but the website needs to be updated with current information. Also, the Committee decided to add a Table of Contents.


  1. Promotion of events: The Committee agreed to promote CETL events and to review the CETL calendar on the QCC website. The Committee agreed to contact CETL to receive more information about the “Diversity series.”  The Committee also considered promoting the events for the transfer office


  1. Workshops: The Committee decided to host (in late Fall) a workshop/roundtable on “writing for publication/identifying journals” for all academic disciplines. We decided to consult with Dr. Wang, the Dean for Research about the workshop.


  1. Subcommittees: The following subcommittee were created:

 a) Subcommittee on Workshops (Rezan, Renee, Ilse, Joanne): meets to discuss and select someone to give a workshop in fall 2019 and spring 2020.

b) Subcommittee on Event Promotion (Rex): needs to find out a proper way to advertise events on campus. (c) Subcommittee on Faculty Surveys (Merlinda, David): needs to create a survey for spring 2020 to see what faculty believe would be interesting topics for workshops.


  1. Review of revision of course evaluation forms for FNET/PNET courses: The Committee decided to invite the faculty initiating the concerns about the evaluation forms to our next meeting—tentatively set for Wednesday, Oct. 23rd.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm 

Respectfully submitted,

Ilse Scheynemaker
Committee on Academic Development/Elective Academic Programs, Secretary

Minutes typed on 2-5-2019

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.