Wednesday, September 13, 2017
The Academic Senate Committee on Committee on Food Insecurity of the Academic Senate met on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 12:15 p.m. in MC-30
Committee Members in Attendance:
Mr. Michael Fischbach, Student Association
Dr. Sharon Ellerton
Professor Sebastian Murolo
Dr. Chukwudi Ikwueze
Professor John Gilleaudeau
Dr. Lana Zinger
Dr. Philip Pecorino, Guest
Professor Emily Tai (Chair and Recording Secretary)
The meeting was called to order at 12:15 p.m.
The following Pantry hours were proposed for fall, 2017
Monday, 5-6 PM (Elizabeth Di Giorgio)
Tuesday, 12.30-1.30 PM (Sharon Ellerton)
Wednesday, 5-6 PM (Emily Tai)
Thursday, 2-5 PM (John Gilleaudeau and Peter Bales)
Friday, 1-2 PM (Chukwudi Ikwueze)
All other times by appointment; email
Professor Tai explained that due to some irregularities in her schedule, there might be days she could not be at the pantry on Wednesday afternoons, but that she would be available by email to arrange appointments for other times when the pantry was not formally “open” (some Tuesday and Friday afternoons, for example, and Wednesday mornings after 10 AM).
A motion to approve the Lucille A. Bova Pantry hours was made, seconded, and unanimously approved, with a proxy vote also submitted in advance by Drs. Susan Jacobowitz and Peter Bales, who had scheduling conflicts and could not attend the meeting.
Professor Tai drew the attention of members to the description written by Mr. Johnathan Chin regarding the “Share Meals” project. Both Mr. Fischbach and Dr. Zinger confirmed that there would be student participation in the event on November 16th.
Presentation by Dr. Philip Pecorino, Chair, Faculty Executive Committee
Dr. Pecorino described his plan to reach out to a grocery/specialty food shop that will (as in the past) cater the Faculty meeting planned for Wednesday, October 25, 2017. It is Dr. Pecorino's plan to then contribute $1000 of his own money to purchasing food items as per the recommendations of the Committee on Food Insecurity, which would be delivered to the Queensborough Campus for the Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry on the day of the FEC meeting, with the FEC catering order, and then transported by PTK students to the Lucille A. Bova Food Pantry.
Dr. Pecorino and the FEC will also declare Wednesday, October 25, Queensborough Food Pantry Drive Day, and solicit donations from other interested members of faculty.
A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved, to move forward with the appointment of October 25, as Food Pantry Drive Day in cooperation with the Faculty Executive Committee.
Dr. Pecorino also indicated that the FEC might be able to assist in the deposit of financial donations for the food pantry once FEC monies were deposited in an off- campus bank account to be established. However, it was indicated by Professor Murolo that this would not support any acknowledgment letters for tax purposes. Faculty, staff, or students wishing to donate and receive a tax deduction could, however, participate in the Food Insecurity's partnership with Share Meals for November (see paragraph below).
Mr. Michael Fischbach reported that members of Student Government would be meeting to determine the feasibility of a SNAP (food stamp distribution program, at) at Queensborough, given that apparently approximately 18% of Queensborough students are eligible but only 6% are currently enrolled. This meeting will take place at the Student Union Conference Room at 3 PM on Friday, September 15.
Professor Tai, unfortunately, has a scheduling conflict, but indicated that she would solicit the participation of another committee member who might wish to attend to report back with Mr. Fischbach and Ms. Salvador, Student Association President.
- New Business
Dr. Jacobowitz also sent this link for the Committee's review:
The meeting was adjourned at 12.50 P.M.
Statement from Share Meals:
Share Meals and NYU will be hosting Love through Food on the evening of November 16th. This will be a community meal-packing event where volunteers will help assemble individual portions of dry food such as rice and beans or macaroni and cheese. These are nutritionally balanced by Iowa State University's Food Science department and are shelf stable for a long time. Our minimum goal is to package 10,000 meals at the unit price of $0.30 each. Share Meals appreciates the larger community we live in, especially the work being done at QCC to help end food insecurity, so we would love to open this up to your students and faculty.
Whatever amount QCC is able to fundraise, we will send a proportional number of meals to your food pantry. For example, if you raise $500, we will provide about 1,666 meals as a one time delivery after November 16th. Personal donations can be made directly to our partnering organization, The Outreach Program, which is a registered 501c3 and will be tax deductible. They prefer personal checks since that will keep the transactional fees down. You can read more about them here:
Faculty who wish to involve students from their club or academy in the Love through Food event on November 16 should contact Emily S. Tai at
Respectfully submitted,
Emily S. Tai
Committee on Committee on Food Insecurity of the Academic Senate, Secretary
Minutes typed on November 6, 2017