Committee on eLearning Meeting Minutes for December 10, 2020


The Academic Senate Committee on eLearning met on December 10, 2020 at 3:00PM via Zoom (Online)

Committee Members in Attendance:

In Attendance: Randelle Sasa (2022), Susan Lago (2022), Punita Bhansali (2023), Svjetlana Bukvich-Nichols (2021), Eugene Desepoli III (2021), Merlinda Drini Prelvukaj (2023), Lakersha Smith (2021), Zhou Zhou (2022), Zivah Perel Katz (Steering Committee Designee), Denis Bejar (IT Academic Applications Director), Sandra Palmer (President's Designee)

Not present: Sebastian Murolo (2023)


The meeting was called to order at 3:02 PM

I. Minutes of November 12, 2020 meeting – approved by unanimous vote.

II. Old Business

  1. Marketing of online courses – Newsletter was approved for circulation with Zivah’s edits. Svjetlana said that there were some duplication editor and suggested someone proofread it one more time before circulation. Gene said he would submit it to David Moretti to make it accessible. Svjetlana shared the newsletter with her class because one of her students was featured in the student section and the class congratulated the student.
  2. We reviewed the Google doc of policies and Standards for eLearning at QCC to discuss finalizing edits and approve PNET tool for the Spring 2020 semester. Zivah said that the Academic Development Committee added an N/A column. The version we reviewed was used this semester. Susan said that students may not notice the notation on the document that some of the classification may not apply to asynchronous classes. Randelle said that maybe there could be two different evaluation tools, one for synchronous and the other for asynchronous. Sandra said that this semester the forms went directly to the students. Randelle said the response rate is down from previous semesters. Zivah said that some of her students are still confused between synchronous and asynchronous. Susan said it might be a good idea to suggest having two different forms. The Committee voted unanimously to move the document forward.
  3. Randelle reached out to Dr. Faulkner’s assistant and attended the Tech Fee Meeting. We have $7000 that will be carried over to 2021 because of Covid, including technology and podia. They suggested the money be put to hire students as temps during the pandemic. Five Student Government representatives attended.
  4. Denis said that this week and next OET is offering a new webinar to help faculty apply best practices about how to close their Bb courses for end of the semester and how to also roll over content into next semester. Right now, about 32 people are registered for the webinar. This afternoon, Academic Affairs sent out the invitation to the eLearning Institute, which is now open to HEOs and CLTs. There might be interest from Directs as well. Candidates will be selected by December 28 and the first day of the Institute is in January. A Play Posit training module will be added to the Institute. They did some programming that will allow us to embed Play Posit in the eLearning Bb course. At the end, participants will receive a certificate of participation. OET sent an announcement about the Bb upgrade starting December 27 and ending Monday night. An announcement will be sent to the campus community once the upgrade is complete. OET’s programs are listed in the newsletter and Randelle will update the dates.

III. Other Business: 

  1. Svjetlana’s department asked her to ask the Committee about which methodology will be used to decide which courses will be PNT, FNT, or F2F. Sandra said we don’t know yet and that we have to wait to see. We’re going to be remote in the Spring and, likely, in the summer. We have to see what happens with Covid and the vaccine. There are programs and courses where chairs have asked Administration if they can be on campus in a hybrid, including nursing, EMT, and massage therapy. The Emergency Management Team has to review proposals to be on campus. Svjetlana said the question is more about post-pandemic. Sandra said it will be up to the department and faculty. The College is not going to mandate what kinds of courses will be taught in a particular modality once we’re back on campus. Randelle said they’re also having that discussion in the nursing department. Randelle said that being able to offer a range of modalities will help QCC in many ways, including real estate.
  2. Denis said that there will be Tech Fee meetings. Randelle said we are supposed to have a seat in that meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 3.34 by Randelle Sasa. The next general meeting will be TBA- February 2021 (Thursday) at 3:00pm via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Lago
Committee on eLearning, Secretary

Minutes typed on December 10, 2020

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