Library Committee Minutes, 10-13-21


The Academic Senate Committee on Library Committee met on 10-13-21, 12:30, Zoom

Committee Members in Attendance:

Jodi Van Der Horn-Gibson, Chair, Communication, Theatre, and Media Production (2022)

Angela Ridinger Dotterman, English (2022)

Kebedech Tekleab, Art and Design (2024)

Emily Pelletier, Social Sciences (2023)

Elizabeth Sutton, Secretary, Nursing (2024)

Liaisons in Attendance:

Jeanne Galvin (Chief Librarian and Presidential Delegate)



The meeting was called to order at 12.30pm

  1. The meeting agenda was approved.
  2. The minutes from the previous library committee meeting held May 12, 2021, were approved.
  3. Chair’s report:  This was completed by chair from last year.  Updating the committee charges will be one of the main tasks for the committee going forward based on the chair’s report.
  4. Old Business:  Bathrooms.  Prof. Galvin reported that we do have approval for the funding to complete the bathroom project.  Currently awaiting date when work can begin.
  5. New Business:
  6. Support for library: Prof Galvin reported there is a staff reduction at the library.  There are no weekend hours and only open two evenings per week. One group of students from nursing have questioned why the library is not open on Saturdays. Prof. Galvin discussed with administration regarding funding to expand library hours to Saturdays. There is a shortage of library technicians. There are only two and they have leave.  There is currently no cataloguer causing a delay in reserve texts being made available to students.  Prof. Galvin stated students should voice their concerns regarding access to the library and services.
  7. Committee guide addendum:  Prof. Van Der Horn-Gibson discussed the need to compose an addendum on the activities/role of the committee for the website.  She has offered to draft this for the committee and present the draft at the next meeting.
  8. Survey of students:  The committee has been asked to survey students regarding the library. Potential areas of interest would be:  access to building, access to materials, access to help from librarians.  Dr. Ridinger Dotterman will draft the proposed survey for the committee and present a draft at the next meeting.
  9. Report for the Senate on the faculty survey:  The committee conducted a survey last year of the library faculty and staff.  Prof. Pelletier has offered to draft a report of the survey which will be discussed at the next committee meeting.
  10. Next meeting will be Nov. 10th to discuss the draft work for the addendum, survey, and report from last year. Dec. 15th will be the final meeting of the semester.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Sutton
Committee on Library Committee, Secretary

Minutes typed on 10-22-21

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