Pre-college Committee meeting minutes, May 16, 2022


Liaisons in Attendance:




The meeting was called to order at 3PM on Zoom


Queensborough Community College

Academic Senate Pre College Committee


May 16, 2022 at 3pm

By ZOOM Conference at 3pm

  1. Attendance

Voting Members:

  1. Philip Pecorino, Social Sciences (2022)
  2. Anthony Kolios, Business (2022
  3. Dona Boccio, Mathematics and Computer Science (2023)-on leave
  4. Jilani Warsi, English (2023)
  5. Benjamin L. Miller,  English  (2024)
  6. Dugwon Seo, Engineering Technology  (2024)

New Members 2022-2025

  1. Rochelle Nelson,Biology (2025)
  2. Arthur Abramov, QCC BMI (2025)

Ex Officio Members:

  • Michael Pullin, Dean of Academics, President's Liaison
  • Mary Anne Meyer, COLLEGE NOW Director
  • Maz Nikoui,, CLIP Director
  • Bonnie Flaherty ,CUNYSTART Director:
  • Ashley Legitime, BTECH Campus Liaison.


  • Alison Cimino (English), Chairperson of the Academic Senate Committee on CE and WD-Absent

Governance Guests:

  • Student Representative -not yet named or reported
  • COC Liaison—not yet named or reported
  • Steering Committee Designee—not yet named or reported
  1. Agenda was approved.
  2. Minutes of March 14, 2022 were approved.
  3. Election of Officers for 2022-2023-Chairperson and Secretary

The Precollege Committee as of Fall 2022

  • Rochelle Nelson,Biology (2025) Elected Secretary 2022-2023
  • Arthur Abramov, QCC BMI (2025)
  • Benjamin Miller, English (2024) Elected Chair 2022-2023
  • Dugwon Seo, Engineering Techology (2024)
  • Dona Boccio, Mathematics and Computer Science (2023)
  • Jilani Warsi, English (2023)
  1. Chairperson’s ReportNew members were directed to familiarize themselves with the Committee guide:

  1. workload ahead for next year-will consider request for reassigned time if the work appears in 2022-2023
    6. The PreCollege Committee now has this operative Protocol:

Maintenance of Academic Standards with relation to Precollege Programs and credits for Prior Learning experiences

  1. Academic Senate Action- Adoption of QCC College Policy on May 10, 2022- see attachment #2
  2. The Committee chair and the chair of the CEWD Committee made a statement to the Academic Senate on May 10, 2022- see attachment #3
  3. Result of request for Enrollment Data from Enrollment Management Office noted as not yet received and Dean Pullin reported on his efforts to obtain this data.

A message indicating the recommendations of the Committee with regard to the locations for the scheduling of classes for CLIP and other programs was presented to the Senate and OAA in 2021.  The Committee monitors status..

  1. Updates on Pre College Programs- these were postponed





CTE Programs


12.  Steering Committee Suggested Charges/Committee Goals

The Steering Committee of the Academic Senate suggests the committee assign a committee member to update the committee webpage:  update membership names, post upcoming scheduled committee dates with contact information (an email) for those interested in attending a committee meeting.

A add a revision to account for the new work related to the Maintenance of Academic Standards with relation to Precollege Programs and credits for Prior Learning experiences.

  1. FUTURE MEETINGS: The regular meeting times for the Committee in 2022-2023 will be determined by the members as of Fall 2022. A DOODLE poll is suggested to facilitate this process.  Meetings have been set for Mondays at 3pm at one month intervals. 
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business


Academic Senate Bylaws

Article VII. Section 17. The Committee on Pre-College

The Committee on Pre-College shall consist of six (6) members of the instructional staff and one (1) student. Ex-Officio members should include the following: Directors of CUNY Start, CLIP, College Now, and the BTECH Campus Liaison.

The Committee on Pre-College shall:

  1. Report and recommend to the Academic Senate on services and facilities available to the Pre-College programs.
  2. Serve as a mechanism for articulation alignment between the Pre-College instructional staff and students, with respective academic departmental chairs and the Academic Senate.
  3. Consider and evaluate proposals received from faculty, students, and the community regarding policies and practices pertaining to Pre-College programs in consultation with respective academic departmental chairs and Dean of Academic Affairs.
  4. Recommend proposals and policies that would enhance the operation of the pre-college programs to the Associate Dean of Academics.
  5. Serve as a consultative body for the development of Continuing Education and Workforce Development programs.
  6. Provide feedback to proposed courses/programs and existing ones to ensure:
    • that they are presented to the related committees and/or academic departments to avoid any conflicts of interest
    • that they are in keeping with the mission and image of collegesubsequently reporting these new courses/programs and/or existing ones to the Academic Senate for its information.

The 6 members will be assigned by the Committee on Committees in staggered terms as follow: 2 members from 2020- 2021 (1 year), 2 members from 2020-2022 (2 years), and 2 members from 2020-2023 (3 years).  Thereafter, vacancies will be filled for 3 year terms.

Attachment 1


To:          Department Chairs

From:      The Precollege Committee of the Academic Senate

Date:       March  , 2022

Subject:   Policies and Processes for awarding Credit for Prior Learning to students by exam or CTE certification


In consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs, the Precollege Committee of the Academic Senate has developed a set of policies and procedures to be followed when an academic department wishes to grant academic credit to students for earning either a specific industry certified credential or a New York State approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) certificate from a specific high school.  The purpose of these policies and processes is to ensure that the academic standards of the college programs and courses offered by the academic departments be maintained.  These guidelines are consistent with the University’s Credit for Prior Learning Policy.


  1. No fewer than two full time faculty members that teach in the academic program in which credit will be awarded will review the learning objectives for the certifying professional examination or the CTE curriculum and compare them to the learning objectives of courses with similar topics currently offered by the department. It is recommended that the Curriculum Committee of the academic department serve to perform such reviews or name qualified faculty to perform the reviews.
  2. Credit for prior learning (CPL) may be given when substantial overlap between the learning objectives of a specific course or courses and the topics covered by the professional examination or CTE curriculum can be documented. A Credit for Prior Learning agreement template is provided to document the overlap and any additional requirements to be met before awarding credit.  
  3. Departments may also set additional academic standards to be met before credit is awarded, such as a minimum high school GPA, minimum grade in a specific CTE course, or a minimum score on a professional examination.
  4. Departments may require students receiving credit take and earn a minimum score on a departmental examination that covers the same topics taught in the course for which credit will be granted. However, the use of departmental examinations is not required to offer credit for prior learning. If the department approves, documentation of the professional or CTE certification alone is sufficient for earning college credit. If a department exam is specified, all students receiving CPL for the credential in question must take and pass the exam with the minimum score.
  5. Once the departmental review is complete and a CPL agreement has been drafted, the department chair must send it to the chairs of departments with degree programs that require the course in question and consider their feedback before seeking Senate approval.
  6. Once the CPL agreement is complete, it must be approved by the department’s curriculum committee and then sent to the chair of the Precollege Committee of the Academic Senate. The Precollege Committee will review the document and vote on whether to submit the agreement to the full Academic Senate. If it is forwarded to the Senate for consideration, the Senate will vote on the agreement.  If it is approved, it will be shared as an informational matter with the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs in the college’s next scheduled academic report.  (CUNY does not need to approve the CPL agreement before it is put into effect.)  The approved CPL agreement will be listed in the college catalog starting in the next academic year, under Admissions, Credit for Prior Learning.  


Department chairs and faculty who have questions about this policy may consult with the Chair of the Precollege Committee and the Dean of Academic Initiatives. 

Attachment 2




May 2, 2022

From: Academic Senate Precollege Committee, Philip Pecorino, Chair

To: Academic Senate

Subject: Proposal of a College Policy Regarding Credit for Prior Learning


Whereas, In 2020-21, the City University of New York established a comprehensive Credit for Prior Learning Policy.  As part of this policy, all campuses are to consider offering credit for industry credentials and other non-collegiate learning experiences, such as high school CTE certificates, and  

Whereas, CUNY is developing a website that will advertise these opportunities for credit for prior learning (CPL) at every campus, and

Whereas, there is a competitive marketplace and if we want to attract non-traditional students to Queensborough Community College (QCC), then as many departments as possible should consider offering CPL for industry credentials and CTE certificates, and

Whereas, if QCC has little or no listings on that CUNY website it will be a loss for our College at a time we need to attract as many students as possible, and .

Whereas, in consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs, the Precollege Committee of the Academic Senate has developed a set of policies and procedures to be followed when an academic department wishes to grant academic credit to students for earning a specific industry certified credential or a Career and Technical Education (CTE) high school certificate.  The purpose of these policies and processes is to ensure that the academic standards of the college programs and courses offered by the academic departments be maintained, And Therefor

Be it resolved that, it shall be the Policy of Queensborough Community College that the Precollege Committee shall have authority to receive and approve of the requests of Academic Departments for approval of their applications granting Credit for Prior Learning.

Note:  The CUNY Policy and the QCC Process and protocols and the CUNY forms(attached hereto) have all been circulated to the Academic Department Chairpersons for their review and there have been no questions or problems raised thus far.

Policies and Processes for awarding Credit for Prior Learning to students by professional exam or CTE certificate

In consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs, the Precollege Committee of the Academic Senate has developed a set of policies and procedures to be followed when an academic department wishes to grant academic credit to students for earning a specific industry certified credential or a Career and Technical Education (CTE) high school certificate.  The purpose of these policies and processes is to ensure that the academic standards of the college programs and courses offered by the academic departments be maintained. 

  1. No fewer than two full time faculty members that teach in the academic program in which credit will be awarded will review the learning objectives for the certifying professional examination or CTE curriculum and compare them to the learning objectives of courses with similar topics currently offered by the department. It is recommended that the Curriculum Committee of the academic department serve to perform such reviews or name qualified faculty to perform the reviews. As part of their evaluation, the faculty members must complete the Credit for Prior Learning for an Industry Credential Report or the Credit for Prior Learning for a CTE Certificate Report, as appropriate. These forms are mandated by CUNY.
  2. Credit for prior learning (CPL) may be awarded when substantial overlap between the learning objectives of a specific course or courses and the topics covered by the professional examination or CTE curriculum can be documented. The Credit for Prior Learning reports will be used to document the similarities.
  3. Departments may also set additional academic standards to be met before credit is awarded, such as a minimum high school GPA, minimum grade in a specific CTE course, or a minimum score on a professional examination. However, before adopting a GPA requirement, departments should consider that some non-traditional students may have completed high school years earlier and that their GPA may no longer represent their preparedness for college level work.

     4. Departments may require students receiving credit take and earn a minimum score on a departmental     examination that covers the same topics taught in the course for which credit will be granted. However, the use of departmental examinations is not required to offer credit for prior learning. If the department approves, documentation of the professional or CTE certification alone is sufficient for earning college credit. If a department exam is specified, all students receiving CPL for the credential in question must take and pass the exam with the minimum score.

  1. Once the departmental review is complete and a CPL agreement has been drafted, the department chair must send it to the chairs of departments with degree programs that require the course in question and consider their feedback before seeking Senate approval.
  2. Once the CPL agreement is complete, it must be approved by the department’s curriculum committee and then sent to the chair of the Precollege Committee of the Academic Senate. The Precollege Committee will review the document and vote on whether to submit the agreement to the full Academic Senate. If it is forwarded to the Senate for consideration, the Senate will vote on the agreement as it does on new courses.  If it is approved, it will be shared as an informational matter with the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs in the college’s next scheduled academic report.  (CUNY does not need to approve the CPL agreement before it is put into effect.)  The approved CPL agreement will be listed in the college catalog starting in the next academic year, under Admissions, Credit for Prior Learning.  

Department chairs and faculty who have questions about this policy may consult with the Chair of the Precollege Committee or the Dean of Academic Initiatives. 

NOTE: In 2020-21, the City University of New York established a comprehensive Credit for Prior Learning Policy.  As part of this policy, all campuses are to consider offering credit for industry credentials and other non-collegiate learning experiences, such as high school CTE certificates.  You need to know and to note that CUNY is developing a website that will advertise these opportunities for credit for prior learning (CPL) at every campus. There is a competitive marketplace and if we want to attract non-traditional students to Queensborough Community College (QCC), we urge that as many departments as possible consider offering CPL for industry credentials and CTE certificates. If QCC has little or no listings on that CUNY website it will be a loss for our College at a time we need to attract as many students as possible

attachment #3

 Statement to the Academic Senate to be presented at the 5-10-22 meeting of the Senate. Alison Cimino will present it.  We send it now for the minutes.

Senators and Guests:

In 2020-21, the City University of New York established a comprehensive Credit for Prior Learning Policy.  As part of this policy, all campuses are to consider offering credit for industry credentials and other non-collegiate learning experiences, such as high school CTE certificates (Career and Technical Education).  Presently, CUNY is developing a website that will advertise these opportunities for credit for prior learning (CPL) at every campus. There is a competitive marketplace and if we want to attract non-traditional students to Queensborough Community College (QCC), we urge that as many departments as possible consider offering CPL for industry credentials and CTE certificates. If QCC has little or no listings on that CUNY website it will be a loss for our College at a time we need to attract as many students as possible.

The people most likely to be requesting CPL are those already in a field and looking to acquire credentials.  They are a motivated group.  If QCC has no appearance in the marketplace QCC will not attract such persons to become our students.

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of observing, implementing and using the CUNY policy for credit for prior learning in order for our College to be competitive in the marketplace for attracting students into our CE and WD and Degree programs.  We stress the importance for recognizing and developing CEWD and Precollege programs and for micro credentials and certificates and stackable academic entities that would lead to credit being awarded and students entering our QCC degree programs.   We stress the existence of CUNY websites that list such opportunities throughout CUNY should make it clear to all the need for QCC to have a presence in the marketplace to compete and to encourage a pathway leading to higher learning. Our mission at CEWD aims to create a bridge encouraging our present students to hone valuable workforce development skills and our nontraditional, adult learners, greater access to higher education.

We thank you for your attention to this important policy and opportunity.

Alison Cimino

Lecturer in English

Queensborough Community College

English Department

222-05, 56th Avenue

Bayside, NY 11364


Philip Pecorino, Ph.D.


QCC Academic Senate

Pre College Committee

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