Academic Senate Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2024

Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Steven Dahlke called the seventh regularly scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 3:15 PM.  The meeting was held in hybrid format, with attendees both in M136 and ZOOM.  Chairperson Dahlke chaired the meeting from M-136.

 I.  Attendance

50 votes were recorded at the time attendance was taken, and 56 members of the Academic Senate were present during the meeting.

Absent: Andrea Alfaro, Mark Chropufka, Daniel Garbin, Jennifer Gliere, Shenaz Ida, David Lieberman, Amaris Matos, Azit Mayeli, Renaediaz Miller, Andrew Nguyen, Emil Parrinello, LaKersha Smith, Mangala Tawde, James Timbilla, Ronald Van Cleef, Jodi Van Der Horn-Gibson, and Gilmar Visoni,

 II. Approval of the Agenda

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the agenda.  There were no objections.

Dr. Dahlke asked to amend the current agenda as the Committee on Committees could not submit the report in time to vote at today's meeting.  The amendment is to add a monthly report from the Committee on Committees to today’s meeting.  The vote was unanimous to accept the amendment.


III: Consideration of the Minutes from March 12, 2024

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the minutes. There were no objections.


IV: Communications from:

  1. President Christine Mangino

The Senate received President Mangino’s Report

President Mangino asked that senators attend the Academic Senate Meeting in person.  President Mangino spoke about the memo for CUNY Central about the academic program review, which may be causing stress.  President Mangino assured that QCC is on the right track and that no new changes are happening for QCC.  Registration is open, and members were asked to remind students to register before the end of the semester.

President Mangino asked for suggestions for building QCC's sense of community.  Administrative Assistant Day was celebrated early as the college will be on spring break for the actual day.  There has been brainstorming about creating an LGBTQ center on campus and seeking external funding.  As of now, there is no funding.  CUNY has one-time funding for transformational initiatives.  QCC will open the center in the fall semester and will use general data to go back to the foundation for funding. 

 2.  Communication from the Liaison to the University Faculty Senate – Dr. Emily Tai

There was a meeting of the University Faculty Senate on April 2.  The University Faculty Senate started an initiative about 15 years ago to reach counterparts in SUNY.  The SUNY governance differs from CUNY and does not meet as frequently because of the dispersal of the senior campuses across the state.  The community college faculty meets in a community college council.  Present at the meeting was the head of the Community College Council, Christy Woods, and the president of the UFS in SUNY, Keith Landa.  The discussion focused on budgets and the difficulties colleges face in remaining stable.  President James Davis of the Profession Staff Congress discussed the relationship between the Professional Staff Congress and the governance concerns.  There was a concern about the issues raised by Vice Chancellor Wendy Hensel’s memo, which stated that she is interested in collaborating with the governance to resolve some of the issues.  A resolution came forward: to write a letter framed by the Council of Government leaders across CUNY to express concerns about Vice Chancellor Hensel’s memo.  The resolution did not pass.

A letter will be sent to Chancellor Matos Rodriguez asking him to implement a freedom of expression policy, particularly in response to current events.  Other business included nominating next year's executive committee members and next year's chair of the University Faculty Senate.  An update will be given in May.

3.  Steering Committee Monthly Report

The Steering Committee thanked the Committee on Committees.  Elections could take place for the Senate without actual elections, as all the elections were uncontested.  Dr. Dahlke encouraged faculty to participate in college service.

Dr. Dahlke hopes to hear from the Committee on Committees soon regarding whether there will be a committee ballot on which to vote.  If the committee cannot prepare the ballot, we will ask if there are any objections to the Steering Committee voting on that ballot when the Senate is not in session according to the bylaws, that is, between meetings.

Dr. Dahlke thanked the outgoing senators Shenza Ida, Franco Ferrari, Mangala Tawde, Ronald Van Cleef, Jodi Van Der Horn, Mark Chropufka, who functioned as the Senate Technology Officer, and Renee Rhodd.

In May, there will be nominations for a new Steering Committee member who will serve for one year.  All chairpersons are encouraged to nominate any senator for a Steering Committee position.  Committee on Committees will have 4 openings.  Departments that are not eligible to have members on the Committee on Committees are Art and Design, Social Sciences, and Health.  Physical Education and Dance, English, and Business as they already have representation on the committee.

V: Monthly Reports

Committee on Curriculum Report (Attachment B)

Three new course proposals

The vote was: 62-0-0.


Five New Course Revisions

The vote was:

Yes: 57

No: 0

Abstain: 1 – Joshua Tony-Alabi


Two Program Revisions

The vote was:

Yes: 55

No:  0

Abstain: 1 - Joshua Tony-Alabi


 VI: Unfinished Business

  • There was no unfinished business.

VII: New Business

  • Professor Lorraine Cupelli spoke about the Student Spring Celebration Fair on April 17, which is focusing on QCC students’ essential needs. Professor Cuppelli asked everyone to wear denim to remember those who have been sexually assaulted. Professor Cupellli also thanked everyone who donated to the Food Pantry.  The number of people using the Food Pantry has tripled, and it is not easy to keep the shelves stocked.  Any donations are appreciated especially bags.
  • The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, in conjunction with its sponsor, the Hispanic Affinity Group, will have a book, Allende el Mar, by Oscar Osorio, Ph.D., on April 12:10 PM and will be in Spanish.
  • The Student Art Exhibition will be on Wednesday, April 10, from 4 PM to 6 PM.
  • Dahlke called for a new vote:

To suspend the rule so that the Steering Committee may vote on behalf of the Senate on the Committee Ballot

The vote was:

Yes: 53

No:  0

Abstain: 7 – Ali Ragoub, John Talbird, Fatima Saleem, Rezan Akpinar, Isabella Lizzul, Yusuf Gurtas, Ajay Doobay

Meeting Adjourned at 3:52 PM

Philip Nelan, Secretary



Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.