Academic Senate Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2022

Queensborough Community College

The City University of New York



of the December 13, 2022 Academic Senate


Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Steven Dahlke called the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 3:12 PM. The meeting was held in a hybrid format, with attendees both in M136 and on Zoom. Chairperson Dahlke chaired the meeting from M136. 


I. Attendance

43 votes were recorded at the time attendance was taken; 51 members of the Academic Senate were present during the meeting.


Absent: Aalai, Azadeh; Akpinar, Rezan; Byfield, Carlene; Ferrari, Franca; Gurtas, Yusuf; Jiménez, C. Julian; Kolios, Anthony; Li, Jeremy; Mayeli, Azita; Mballo, Mohammad; McDonald, Alfred;  Menendez, Anne Marie; Nguyen, Andrew; Nelan, Philip; Prince, Kezia; Quinonez, Silvia; Tariq, Hafiz; Urciuoli, Jannette; Rachiele, Laura; Rhodd, Renee; Tayson, Richard; Van Der Horn-Gibson, Vasquez, Chenyl; Vasquez, Odette; Jodi; Visoni, Gilmar; Williams, Constance;


II. Approval of the Agenda

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the agenda. There were no objections.



III. Consideration of the Minutes from the Nov 8 Meeting 

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the minutes. 


IV. Communications from:

A. President Christine Mangino


The Senate received President Mangino’s report. 


President Mangino began by wishing students good luck on final exams, with a reminder to faculty and students encouraging registration for Spring 2023 classes before the end of the semester. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of continuing students registering as early as possible. President Mangino conveyed that even in cases wherein students may have outstanding tuition balances, they should be encouraged to visit the Bursar Office. On a case-by-case basis, it may be possible for additional funding sources to provide assistance paying down tuition balances. We do not want tuition costs to be a barrier to education. 


An email was sent to the QCC community to join Monday in Times Square for the Shine A Light event. A number of organizations will come together to bring attention to antisemitism in NY and throughout the country. Additionally, they will light a Chanukah menorah and will stand against antisemitism. Details will be provided so that we can attend as a QCC group. The Chancellor and other college presidents will attend as well.

Normally we have large holiday party lunch, but with an estimated cost of $10k it didn’t seem best way to spend funds. Instead, there will be a scaled-back event on December 21st on the Admin. 5th floor, with donated raffles and refreshments. 


The Board of Trustees announced last night last night that campuses have been asked to make midyear cuts of 2% for the upcoming Spring 2023 semester, and budgets will be submitted by next week. The City is also asking for cuts of 4.75%  for next year and going forward. Hard decision while have to be made, but services will be streamlined in ways that make the most sense. 


President Mangino met with the Senate Executive Committee 2 weeks before the current Academic Senate meeting. Faculty are concerned about the use of a private firm for the Provost position search. It will costs $50k, but in making this decision there were conversations with CUNY Central, with Medgar Evers who hired their current Provost with assistance from the same firm, and with the firm itself. President Mangino expressed that QCC needs to change our strategy from the previous search process, explaining that the firm reaches out directly to candidates during the search. With success at sister campuses it seems like a sound decision. President Mangino expressed concerns from faculty whether the Provost position needs to be replaced at all, responding that while budget cuts are needed, the position of Provost is vital to college leadership. One of the Provost’s roles includes ensuring compliances with Middle States, which is not far away. 


Dr. Emily Tai asked whether there is an a website and/or instructions that can be relayed to students regarding the Office of the Bursar. Stephen Di Dio responded with information relating to the Bursar office hours as well as their email address: 



In-person Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phones open Monday - Thursday until 6 p.m.

If you have any questions, email



Brian Mitra added that students should be reminded and encouraged to check their QCC emails. Students are receiving messages with important information about balances, Financial Aid, scholarships, etc. through their QCC emails. 


B.     University Faculty Senate Liaison to the College 


No presentation on behalf of UFS was provided during the meeting. 


C.      Steering Committee Monthly Report 


Dr. Steven Dahlke began by offering thanks to Senators and who engaged in productive exchange of ideas in response to President Mangino’s report, adding that it is a basic need for all of us to be heard and to have our questions answered.


Concerning the resumption of the Open Meeting Law, Dr. Dahlke reminded the Senate that 4 days’ notice is required for a senator to request to attend an Academic Senate meeting remotely due to extraordinary circumstances.  One of our senators is at a remote location that is public address, and their compliance with this policy enables their vote to count toward quorum today. It is a positive example that this policy is carried out in the spirit of the Open Meeting Law. Dr. Dahlke asked all senators to please inform the Steering Committee if there is an extraordinary need to attend remotely. 


Dr. Dahlke highlighted that the FEC successfully had more faculty to vote in recent emailed polls. 


Concerning Undergraduate Research Day, all organizers, presenters, and participants were thanked for their collaborative efforts in making the event a success. It is worthwhile to draw attention to everyone who engages in these efforts as they are above and beyond what is required of them. Additionally, Dr. Dahlke expressed appreciation that the performing arts were included in UR Day. 


V.  Annual Reports


There was no discussion during the meeting concerning newly-posted Annual Reports.


VI.  Monthly Reports 

A. Curriculum Committee Attachment B


Dr. Wallach provided summary of the attached proposals prior to opportunity for discussion and vote by the Academic Senate. 


Proposal 1: New Courses DAN 223, DAN 233


The proposal passed with 51 - 0 - 0


There was no request for discussion prior to the vote.



Proposal 2: Course Revisions DAN 111, DAN 249, BU 403, BU 405, 

CIS 153, CIS 206


The proposal passed with 51 - 0 - 0


There was no request for discussion prior to the vote.


Dr. Wallach thanked the Academic Senate and his colleagues in the Curriculum Committee for their support during his time serving as Chair. He welcomes Isabella Izzul as the incoming Chair and Arthur Adair as incoming Secretary. The Academic Senate thanked Dr. Wallach for his service. 


VII.  Unfinished Business


There was no unfinished business to report.



IX. New Business

 A. In-Person Senate Policy


A vote was taken to formally adopt policies concerning live and remote attendance at Academic Senate meetings in compliance with the Open Meeting Law.


Proposal passed with 51 - 0 - 0


Discussion prior to vote: 


Dr. Dahlke summarized the proposal, which included specific actions senators need to take in order to attend Academic Senate meetings remotely, including procedures to be followed should in-person quorum not be met. The document was described, and there was no objection from the senate to provide a verbal summary of the proposal instead of reciting the document verbatim. 


Dr. Emily Tai asked whether the proposed policy could be rejected by other policies. Dr. Dahlke responded that there exists no conflicting policy, and the measure is intended to provide necessary details for complying with the Open Meeting Law while acknowledging that there may be extraordinary circumstances preventing a senator from attending in-person. 


Several senators asked for a definition of a public space as described in the proposal. Dr. Dahlke responded that a public space is defined as a location where a member of the community could join the senator while they attend remotely, providing an example of Dr. Pecorino who required remote attendance to the current meeting from another location on QCC campus today. 


B. General Education Assessment Report


Dr. Ian Beckford presented information relating to the General Education Assessment Report. Every academic year, each semester, we collect artifacts form the faculty to assess General  Education Outcomes. These efforts occurred both before and after the pandemic. Almost 1500 artifacts were scored against our rubrics. Gleaning from the report, students are generally performing at an acceptable developmental level, scoring 2 - 2.5 out of 5. Only issue is that for Quantitative Reasoning and Information Management, the average score is slightly less than 2, with a caveat of competing factors. However, we did not receive as many artifacts for those rubrics as we would have liked. With this shortfall of artifacts in mind, Information Management was a specific area that faculty that had expressed they wanted included in the assessment. However, faculty had not submitted many artifacts to be scored against the Information Management rubric. 


Dr. Dahlke thanked Dr. Beckford for his presentation, adding that the COACHE survey will be available from early February through early April. Results are important, as they are valuable for strategic planning. Our current 5 year plan was fueled by faculty feedback. 


Dr. Dahlke wished the senate happy holidays, strength, and fortitude as the semester ends. 


Meeting Adjourned at 3:45pm 


Scott Litroff, Secretary 

Academic Senate Steering Committee

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