Academic Senate Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2023

Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Steven Dahlke called the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 3:11 PM. The meeting was held in a hybrid format, with attendees both in M136 and on Zoom. Chairperson Dahlke chaired the meeting from M136. 


I. Attendance

42 votes were recorded at the time attendance was taken; 49 members of the Academic Senate were present during the meeting.


Absent: Adair, Arthur; Armendariz, Raul; Assassi, Parisa; Diana, Emily;  Jankowski, Jeff; Li, Jeremy; Manzo, Christina; Mayeli, Azita; Miller, Ranaediaz; Mitra, Brian; Nguyen, Andrew; Parrinello, Emil; Prince, Kezia; Quinonez, Silvia; Rachiele, Laura; Ragoub, Ali; Reeves, Sharon; Riekert, Sue; Rome, Barbara; Sporer, Celia; Talbird, John; Tariq, Hafiz; Tawde, Mangala; Tayson, Richard; Timbilla, James; Van Der Horn-Gibson, Jodi; Vasquez, Chenyl; Wentrack, Kathleen; Willis, Davia; Yao, Haishen; 


II.  Approval of the Agenda

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the agenda. There were no objections.


III.  Consideration of the Minutes from the April 18 meeting 

Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the minutes. 


IV. Communications from:

A.  President Christine Mangino


The Senate received President Mangino’s Report

President Mangino acknowledged that the prior evening the Board of Trustees meeting heard concerns from multiple stakeholders, including union members from various campuses believing that the Board of Trustees may not be fighting for funds we need. President Mangino expressed that she believes it is unhealthy to think that. Additionally, President Mangino and Stephen Di Dio went to Albany along with the Chancellor and other campus presidents on numerous occasions, consistently talking about the need for increased CUNY budgets to account for increases in both expenses and enrollment. President Mangino testified at City Council what is needed in our budget. She believes we should dispel the belief that CUNY doesn’t care about and/or isn’t trying to alleviate these issues. CUNY received an extra $100 million than they normally receive after appealing to the state. 


Many sources are asking CUNY not to include so many cuts in their savings plan. Tomorrow is the monthly presidents meeting, and President Mangino will share the outcome of that meeting. She reiterated that we are all in the same boat together. 


This marks the end of President Mangino’s 3rd academic year. Between COVID, budgeting, and other concerns, it has been challenging, but amazing things are also happening. Faculty, federal, and foundation grants, the Robin Hood Foundation, the Resource Center, a recent tenure celebration, upcoming years of service recognition, undergrad research day, the campus’ acceptance to Achieving the Dream, are all part of the very positive things happening at QCC. We are also focusing on increasing quality of the first year experience, and we have also seen increases in summer and fall enrollment. Thank you all for the community you make here and for succeeding despite the challenges that face us. 


B.      UFS Report


Dr. Emily Tai informed the Senate that the the UFS meeting will take place later that evening, and therefore a full report cannot be received by the Senate. There will be a referendum vote for additional mention of AI reference tools for inclusion in the academic statement


C.      Steering Committee Monthly Report


Dr. Dahlke acknowledged and welcomed new senators joining us here today. He offered for those senators to stand to be acknowledged. He reminded senators of the upcoming Parters for Progress Gala. It is a great way to support students and all the meaningful work we have been engaging in at QCC. 


Commencement will be Friday June 2, beginning at 10am. We are working toward compliance with OML and in person quorum, and want to be serious about the idea of extraordinary circumstances for remote attendance. It is important that show our commitment as members of the Academic Senate. 


Dr. Dahlke thanked the Academic Senate for a positive year with measurable progress. 


V. Elections

A.  Steering Committee - Chair

Bjorn Berkhout nominated Steven Dahlke for SC Chair. One ballot was cast on behalf of the Academic Senate. Dr. Steven Dahlke was elected.


B.  Steering Committee - Vice Chair


Bjorn Berkhout nominated Scott Litroff for SC Vice Chair. One ballot was cast on behalf of the Academic Senate. Dr. Scott Litroff was elected.


C.  Steering Committee - Secretary


Phil Nelan nominated himself for SC Secretary. One ballot was cast on behalf of the Academic Senate. Dr. Phil Nelan was elected.


D.  Steering Committee - Parliamentarian 


Rezan Akpinar nominated herself for SC Parliamentarian. One ballot was cast on behalf of the Academic Senate. Dr. Rezan Akpinar was elected.


E.  Senate Technology Officer


Mark Chropufka nominated himself for SC Technology Officer. One ballot was cast on behalf of the Academic Senate. Dr. Mark Chropufka was elected.


F.  Committee on Committees


A total of two seats were open on the CoC. Two votes took place: one to determine the Mathematics Dept. Nominee; and the other to determine the two new members to serve on the CoC through 2026. 



Math Dept Vote:  Daniel Garbin elected as Math Dept. Nominee



CoC Vote:  Aliza Atik and Ben Murolo elected to serve on the CoC through 2026. 



G.  Senators At-Large Run-Off Election 


No run-off election was held. It was unnecessary due to additional vacancies in the Academic Senate, allowing for those seats to be filled by following the election outcome data for placing new senators. 


VI. June Graduates List, Attachment B


The June Graduates List was Approved: 48 - 0 - 0


VII.  Monthly Reports

A. Committee on Curriculum, Attachment C  


Multiple errors found in New Courses and Course Revisions documents. Corrections provided in discussion prior to voting. 


1. Six new courses were approved: 48 - 0 - 0


2. Two course revisions were approved: 47 - 0 - 1


     Abstain: C. Julian Jiménez


3. Four Program revisions were approved: 48 - 0 - 0 



VI.  Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business. 


VII. New Business

A.  CCAR Committee 


Dr. Franca Ferrari-Bridgers, chair of the CCAR Committee, presented briefly to the Senate. She outlined several opportunities to collaborate with the CCAR including upcoming workshops open to all those interested. 


B. Commemorating Service to the Academic Senate


Several members of the Academic Senate were recognized for their years of service to the governing body and to the QCC community. 


On this last day of Dr. Philip Pecorino’s service as a member of the Academic Senate, he was publicly recognized for his distinguished service of over 35 years in these capacities, including his extensive work within the Senate and the FEC, extensive university-wide service, and his commitment to the college and its mission. A motion to commemorate Dr. Pecorino’s service was approved by unanimous consent. 


Dr. Sandra Palmer and Dr. Bill Faulkner are also retiring after years of service to the university. Their dedication to QCC and our college community was summarized by Dr. Steven Dahlke. All three retirees were thanked by the Academic Senate, both as a group and individually. 


Meeting Adjourned at 4:15pm 


Scott Litroff, Secretary 

Academic Senate Steering Committee

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