Dr. Tirandai Hemraj-Benny
Title: Professor
Location: Science 443
Phone: 718-281-5494
Email: themrajbenny@qcc.cuny.edu
- 2006 Ph.D., Chemistry: Materials and Physical Chemistry, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
- 2001 B.S., Chemistry, York College, CUNY, Queens, New York, (summa cum laude)
- Professor (2021- Present)
- Assistant Professor (2008-2015), Associate Professor (2015- 2021)
- Campus Co-Director of CUNY Research Scholars Program (2020- 2022)
- Member of Senate Committee on Curriculum (2019- 2022)
- Co-Chair (Fall 2020) and Member of QCC Research Committee (2020- 2022)
- Co-Advisor of the Science Research Alliance Club (2015- 2022)
- Co-Organizer of QCC Virtual Undergraduate Research Day (Fall 2020 and Fall 2021)
- Chairperson of Senate Committee on Academic Development/ElectiveAcademic Programs (Fall 2015- Spring 2019)
- Session Organizer (Teaching Nanoscience) at the American Chemical Society Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (June 2016)
Teaching Statement:
My teaching encompasses student-centered pedagogy in and out of the classroom. I utilize high-impact teaching practices, such as writing-intensive, undergraduate research, and service-learning, to educate and engage my students. Well-defined goals are clearly communicated to my students, and I provide the necessary support to my students to achieve those goals. I always strive to support students in overcoming challenges and foster an inclusive learning environment in the classroom. Moreover, I always seek to advance my pedagogy while incorporating instructional technology for the benefit of students.
Involving QCC Undergraduate Students in Nanoscience Research:
- Students develop their analytical reasoning and communication skills while reading scientific literature, performing experiments using advanced instrumentations, and conveying their research findings at conferences and in peer-reviewed publications.
Scholarly Presentations at National and Regional Conferences with QCC Students
Courses Taught at QCC:
- General Chemistry I Lecture and Laboratory (CH-151)
- Introductory College Chemistry Laboratory (CH-127)
- Fundamentals of Chemistry Lecture (CH-120)
- Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory (CH-121)
- Chemistry and the Arts Lecture and Laboratory (CH-103/CH-104/CH-106)
- Independent Study and Research (CH-911/CH-912/CH-913/CH-914)
Courses Developed and Taught at QCC:
- Introduction to Nanoscience Lecture (CH-115/CH 116)
- Introduction to Nanoscience Laboratory (CH-117)
Research Interests:
- Fabrication and characterization of novel nanomaterial hybrids involving carbon nanotubes, and their applications in catalysis and energy storage devices.
- Identifying best pedagogies to educate and engage students in scientific course content, in and out of the classroom at a community college.
Peer-Reviewed Publications (at QCC):
(*QCC student) (§ Corresponding Author)
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai§; Lall-Ramnarine, Sharon; Suarez, Sophia; Paterno, Domenec; Ramdihal, Jasodra*; Sumner, Rawlric*; Urena, Katelyn*; and Wishart, James. “A Comparative Study of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquid-Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites with Enhanced Conductivity Properties for Supercapacitor Applications.” ECS Transactions (2020) 98 (10), 73-87. DOI
- Kolack, Kevin§; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Chauhan, Moni. “Community College Chemistry Instruction and Research in the Time of COVID-19.” Journal of Chemical Education (2020) 97, 2889-2894. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai§; Pimentel, Leandro*; and Emeran, Gariele*. “Formation of single-walled carbon nanotube-ruthenium nanoparticles in ethanol upon microwave radiation.” Inorganic Chemistry Communications (2020) 112, 107707. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai§; Tobar, Nelson*; Carrero, Nicholas*; Sumner, Rawlric*; Pimentel, Leandro*; and Emeran, Gariele*. “Microwave-assisted synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotube-supported ruthenium nanoparticles for the catalytic degradation of Congo red dye.” Material Chemistry and Physics (2018) 216, 72-81. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai. “Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Nanoparticle Hybrid Structures” in “The Science and Function of Nanomaterials”. ACS Symposium Series eBooks, Editors Amanda S. Harper-Leatherman and Camille M. Solbrig (2014) Vol. 1183, Ch. 4, 55-71. (Invited Peer Reviewed Chapter)
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai§ and Beckford, Ian. “Cooperative and Inquiry-Based Learning Utilizing Art Related Topics: Teaching Chemistry to Community College Non-Science Majors.” Journal of Chemical Education (2014) 91 (10) 1618-1622. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai§, Pigza, J., Budhoo, S*, Condon, L.*, Depner, S., Dennis, R. and Banerjee, S. “Synthesis of Novel Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube –Magnesium Nanoparticle Composites by a Solution Reduction Method.” Materials Letters (2014) 117, 305-308. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai§ and Budhoo, Susan*. “Water Solubilized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Stirring Reaction.” Materials Letters (2013) 93, 85-87. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai§, Chauhan, M., Zhang, L., Wong, C.K*, Singh, G*.; Kim, E* and Ahn, E*. “The Co-ordination of Tris(trimethoxysilylpropyl) Isocyanurate (TTPI) Capped Palladium Nanoparticles onto Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Silicon (2011) 3, 97-101. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai and Wong, S. Stanislaus. “Silylated Carbon Nanotubes and Methods of Making the Same” United States Patent #7,833,504 (November 16, 2010)
Peer-Reviewed Publications (Prior to Joining QCC):
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai, Bandosz, Teresa J. and Wong, Stanislaus S. “Effect of ozonolysis on the pore structure, surface chemistry, and bundling of single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2008), 317, 375-382. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai and Wong, Stanislaus S. “Silylation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Chemistry of Materials (2006), 18(20), 4827-4839 (Cover) DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Banerjee, Sarbajit; Sambasivan, Sharadha; Balasubramanian, Mahalingam; Fischer, Daniel A.; Eres, Gyula; Puretzky, Alexander A.; Geohegan, David B.; Lowndes, Douglas H.; Han, Weiqiang; Misewich, James A.; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Imperfect surface order and functionalization in vertical carbon nanotube arrays probed by near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2006), (43), 5038-5044. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Banerjee, Sarbajit; Sambasivan, Sharadha; Balasubramanian, Mahalingam; Fischer, Daniel A.; Eres, Gyula; Puretzky, Alexander A.; Geohegan, David B.; Lowndes, Douglas H.; Han, Weiqiang; Misewich, James A.; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy as a tool for investigating nanomaterials.” Small (2006), 2(1), 26-35. (Invited) DOI
- Park, Tae-Jin; Banerjee, Sarbajit; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Purification strategies and purity visualization techniques for single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Journal of Materials Chemistry (2006), 16(2), 141-154. (Cover) DOI
- Mao, Yuanbing; Kanungo, Mandakini; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of Titanate and Titania One-Dimensional Nanostructures Self-Assembled into Hollow Micrometer-Scale Spherical Aggregates.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2006), 110(2), 702-710. DOI
- Zorbas, Vasiliki; Kanungo, Mandakini; Bains, Sukhmine A.; Mao, Yuanbing; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Misewich, James A.; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Current-less photoreactivity catalyzed by functionalized AFM tips.” Chemical Communications (2005), (36), 4598-4600. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Banerjee, Sarbajit; Sambasivan, Sharadha; Fischer, Daniel A.; Han, Weiqiang; Misewich, James A.; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Investigating the structure of boron nitride nanotubes by near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2005), 7(6), 1103-1106. DOI
- Banerjee, Sarbajit; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Sambasivan, Sharadha; Fischer, Daniel A.; Misewich, James A.; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Investigations of Order in Carbon Nanotube-Based Systems.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2005), 109(17), 8489-8495. DOI
- Banerjee, Sarbajit; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Routes towards separating metallic and semiconducting nanotubes.” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2005), 5(6), 841-855. (Invited) DOI
- Banerjee, Sarbajit; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Covalent surface chemistry of single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Advanced Materials (2005), 17(1), 17-29. (Invited) DOI
- Banerjee, Sarbajit; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Balasubramanian, Mahalingam; Fischer, Daniel A.; Misewich, James A.; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Surface chemistry and structure of purified, ozonized, multiwalled carbon nanotubes probed by NEXAFS and vibrational spectroscopies.” ChemPhysChem (2004), 5(9), 1416-1422. DOI
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Banerjee, Sarbajit; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Interactions of Lanthanide Complexes with Oxidized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Chemistry of Materials (2004), 16(10), 1855-1863. DOI
- Banerjee, Sarbajit; Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai; Balasubramanian, Mahalingam; Fischer, Daniel A.; Misewich, James A.; Wong, Stanislaus S. “Ozonized single-walled carbon nanotubes investigated using NEXAFS spectroscopy.” Chem. Comm. (2004), (7), 772-773. DOI
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications:
- Karimi, Sasan, Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai and Bojin, Mihaela. “Chemistry and the Arts, Laboratory Manual”, bluedoor Publishing, (2010), ISBN 9781599842271, 2nd edition (2012) 978-1-59984-517-3, 3rd edition (2015) ISBN 978-1-68135-089-9; 4th edition (2019) 978-1-64386-165-4
Scholarly Presentations at International/National/Regional Professional Conferences (Past Five Years Only):
- Hemraj-Benny, T.; Lall-Ramnarine, S.; Suarez, S.; Paterno, D.; Ramdihal, J.; Sumner, R.; Urena, K.; and Wishart, J. F. “Mixtures of Ionic Liquids and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Energy Storage Applications.” (Oral Presentation) The 22nd International Symposium on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids - a part of the joint International Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME), (Virtual) (October 6, 2020).
- Hemraj-Benny, T. “Teaching a Nanoscience Lecture and Laboratory Course at a Community College.” (Oral Presentation) 259th American Chemical Society National Meeting. (Virtual) (March 22-26, 2020).
- Hemraj-Benny, T.; Urena, K.; Sumner, R.; Begliarbekov, M.; Narang, V.; Wishart, J. F.; and Lall-Ramnarine, S. “Optimizing the use of single-walled carbon nanotube as electrolytes for dye-sensitized solar cell applications.” (Poster Presentation) American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA (August 19-23, 2018).
- Hemraj-Benny, T. “Green synthesis of uniform ruthenium nanoparticles supported on non-functional single-walled carbon nanotube for azo dye degradation.” (Oral Presentation), 45th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Riverdale, NY (June 4-6, 2017).
- Hemraj-Benny, T. and Puri, K. “The impact of a pre-semester vs. a semester-attachment contextualized mathematics workshop on student success and confidence in first-semester general chemistry.” (Oral Presentation), 217th Two Year College Chemistry Consortium, 2YC3, Bronx Community College, Bronx, NY (May 26-27, 2017).
- Hemraj-Benny, T. “Microwave-assisted green synthesis of uniform ruthenium nanoparticles supported on non-functional single-walled carbon nanotube for Congo red dye degradation.” (Invited Oral Presentation), 44th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Riverdale, NY (June 9-12, 2016).
- Hemraj-Benny, T. “Involving Undergraduate Students in Nanoscience Research at a Community College.” (Oral Presentation), 44th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Riverdale, NY (June 9-12, 2016).
- Hemraj-Benny, T. “Introduction of a Nanoscience Lecture and Laboratory Course into an Undergraduate Curriculum at a Community College.” (Oral Presentation), 44th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Riverdale, NY (June 9-12, 2016).
Selected Local Presentations :
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai. Speaker at the QCC Spring 2020 Undergraduate Research Brown-Bag Discussion. “Undergraduate Research in the Nanoscience Field.” QCC, Bayside, N.Y. (February 19, 2020).
- Hemraj-Benny, Tirandai. Invited Speaker for “Women’s History Month: Inspiring Women in Science.” Queens Public Library, Ozone Park, N.Y. (March 23, 2019).
Selected Grants (Past Five Years):
- CUNY Chancellor's Research Faculty Fellowship at the Advanced Science Research Center. Ionic Liquid Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Based Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Course-Release. (01/2018-05/2018)
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-Center of Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at Brookhaven National Laboratory User Facility Time. Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube- Nanoparticle Composites. (01/2016- 12/2016)
- CUNY Community College Collaborative Incentive Research Grant. ($15,000) (Co-PI) An Attachment in Mathematics and Metacognition to Motivate Students of General Chemistry. (09/30/2015-06/30/2016)
- National Science Foundation (NSF) ($200,000.00) (Co-PI) NUE: Unifying Nanotechnology Education at CUNY Community Colleges. (10/2012-09/2016)
- PSC-CUNY ($3,500.00) (PI) Imidazolium Ionic Liquid Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Mixtures as Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications. (07/2019-12/2020)
- PSC-CUNY ($3,500.00) (PI) Magnetic Fe3O4-Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocatalysts for the Degradation of Azo Dye Pollutants. (07/2018-12/2019)
- PSC-CUNY ($3,500.00) (PI) Novel Microwave Prepared Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes-Ether Ionic Liquids Mixtures as Electrolytes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications. (07/2016-12/2017)
- PSC-CUNY ($3,500.00) (PI) Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Ru Nanoparticle-Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrids for Degradation of Azo Dyes. (07/2015-12/2016)