Dr. Qazi I. Hai
Dr. Qazi Hai
Office: Science 408
Phone: (718) 631-6939
Email: QHai@qcc.cuny.edu
1986 Ph.D., Surface Chemistry. T.U. Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany
1980 M.S., Physical Chemistry. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
1971 B.S., Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, India
Teaching Experience:
9/99 – 8/04 Teaching Associate ( Columbia University)
1/99 – 9/99 Lecturer Barnard College ( Columbia University)
9/97 – 9/98 Instructor Scott Community College, Bettendorf, IA
Courses Taught:
CH-152: General Chemistry II
Teaching Philosophy:
Learning is a tedious and demanding process and therefore the students should be trained to pick up the correct and relevant information from all the available resources. My teaching Philosophy is based on this very principle that students should be provided with most current information on the subject and involve them in the learning process. I make sure that my students remain motivated throughout their learning period. I believe in building a theory based on mathematical analysis, laboratory experiments and common observation. This creates a logical and open leaning environment. I maintain a high standard, and expect my students to work hard with me. Students’ progress is my number one priority.
As a teacher I don’t want to convey only information, which the students can find in the book, paper or any other sources, but I want to explain, involve actively with fact finding, explanation, hypothesis and other theories about that topic. While teaching, I try to give a practical application of the material I cover. I always prepare my teaching materials well in advance. I plan my lessons very carefully selecting interesting materials step by step to build an effective learning situation. I try to supplement the explanation of complicated chemical processes with the help of easy and common examples that occur in life. I use various audio-visual aides and latest computer software to establish sense of comfort to the students. I conduct group discussions skillfully, encouraging students to participate express without feeling embarrassment of being wrong. This helps me to assess the level of understanding the student achieve in the class.
- Goyal A, Militante J, Hai QI. Determination of Isoelectric points of amino acids by titration method.
- Siddiqui S, Hai QI. Optimum conditions (temperature, pH, salt concentration, light) for the Coral Reefs survival.
- Hai, QI: Untersuchungen Zur adsorption von Kohlenwasserstoffen an Zersetzungstonerden aus Aluminiumsalzen. 1981. Frei. Forsh H.A. 143: 635
- Hai, QI : Zur bestimmung von adsorptionsgrossen durch Anwendung Gastchromatographischer Methoden. 1981. Z. Chem. 21(1):24.
- Hai, QI : Dissertation on “Adsorption behavior of hydrocarbons on active aluminum oxide surfaces.” T.U. Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany. 1980