Sujun Wei

Associate Professor
Office: Science 442
Phone: 718-631-6272
Fax: 718-281-5078
Email: swei@qcc.cuny.eduAppointments
2020-present, Associate Professor of Chemistry, CUNY Queensborough Community College
2013-2020, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, CUNY Queensborough Community College
2009-2013, Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry, Columbia University
Professional Preparation
Ph.D., 2009, Columbia University, Organic Chemistry
B.S., 2004, University of Science & Technology of China (USTC), Organic Chemistry
Academic Honors
2014-present, Director-at-Large, Long Island Subsection of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
2015-2016, Program Co-Chair, the 44th ACS Middle Atlantic Reginal Meeting (MARM)
2017 & 2016, Mentor Awards from NY State College Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
2016, ASSIST Travel Award from SACNASUndergraduate Research Students
Muhabbat Ahmedova
Feruza Turobova
Yi Jiang
Francisco Caban
Patrick Tuttle
Xiaofang Yu
Jiayi Xue
Shanelle Smith
Student Awards and Honors
2019, Shanelle, Finch College Alumni Association Foundation Scholarship ($5,000)
2019, Shanelle, BNY Mellon Transfer Scholarship ($4,000)
2018, Shanelle, 1st Place Award of Oral Presentation at CSTEP conference
2018, Xiaofang & Shanelle, NSF-REU Summer Internship at University of Pennsylvania ($5,000 each)
2017, Jiayi, CUNY Don & Mary Ellen Passantino Scholarship ($1,000)
2017, Patrick, ACS-SCI Scholar Summer Internship at the Dow Chemical Company ($17,000)
2017, Xiaofang, NSF-REU Summer Internship at University of Pennsylvania ($5,000)
2016, Yi, QCC President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Associate in Science Degree
2016, Yi, Gold Scholar of the Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team (national wide)
2016, Yi, Phi Beta Kappa Association of New York Scholarship ($1,000)
2016, Yi, NSF-REU Summer Internship at University of Pennsylvania ($5,000)
2016, Francisco, 1st Place Award of Poster Presentation at CSTEP conference
2016, Francisco, Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at SACNAS national conference
2016, Francisco, BioPrep Summer Internship at SUNY Stony Brook University ($5,000)
2015, Yi, NSF-REU Summer Internship at Vanderbilt University ($5,000)
2015, Francisco, NSF-REU Summer Internship at SUNY Binghamton University ($5,000)
Queensborough students italicized
19. Mitra, G.; Low, J. Z.; Wei, S.; Francisco, K.; Deffner, M.; Herrmann, C.; Campos, L. M. ; Scheer, E.*
“Interplay between Magnetoresistance and Kondo Resonance in Radical Single-Molecule Junctions",
Nano. Lett., 2022, 22, 5773-5779.
18. Sonbuchner, T. M.; Mundorff, E.C.; Lee, J.; Wei, S.; Novick, P.* “Triage and Recovery of STEM Laboratory
Skills”, J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ., 2021, 22(1):22.1.94.
17. Fu, T.; Smith, S.; Camarasa-Gomez, M.; Yu, X.; Xue, J.; Nuckolls, C.*; Evers, F.*; Venkataraman, L.*;
Wei, S.* Enhanced Coupling Through π-Stacking in Imidazole-Based Molecular Junctions, Chem.
Sci. 2019, 10, 9998-10002.
16. Sagan, C.; Jiang, Y.; Caban, F.; Snaider, J.; Amell, R.; Wei, S.*; Florio, G. M.* Oligofluorene Molecular
Wires: Synthesis and Single-Molecule Conductance. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121 (45), 24945–24953.
15. Low, J. Z.; Capozzi, B.; Cui, J.; Wei, S.; Venkataraman, L.; Campos, L. M. Tuning the Polarity of Charge
Carriers Using Electron Deficient Thiophenes. Chem. Sci. 2017, 8 (4), 3254–3259.
14. Lall-Ramnarine, S. I.; Suarez, S. N.; Fernandez, E. D.; Rodriguez, C.; Wei, S.; Gobet, M.; Jayakody, J. R.
P.; Dhiman, S. B.; Wishart, J. F. Exploring the Use of Ionic Liquid Mixtures to Enhance the
Performance of Dicationic Ionic Liquids. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2017, 164 (8), H5150–H5159.
13. Lall-Ramnarine, S. I.; Fernandez, E. D.; Rodriguez, C.; Wei, S.; Dhiman, S. B.; Wishart, J. F. Transport
Properties of Ionic Liquid Mixtures Containing Heterodications. ECS Trans. 2016, 75 (15), 555–565.
12. Remy, R.; Wei, S.; Campos, L. M.; Mackay, M. E. Three-Phase Morphology of Semicrystalline
Polymer Semiconductors: A Quantitative Analysis. ACS Macro Lett. 2015, 4 (9), 1051–1055.
11. Remy, R.; Weiss, E. D.; Nguyen, N. A.; Wei, S.; Campos, L. M.; Kowalewski, T.; Mackay, M. E.
Enthalpy of Fusion of Poly ( 3-hexylthiophene ) by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. J. Polym. Sci.
Part B Polym. Phys. 2014, 52 (22), 1469–1475. Highlighted as Journal Cover.
10. Wei, S.; Xia, J.; Dell, E. J.; Jiang, Y.; Song, R.; Lee, H.; Rodenbough, P.; Briseno, A. L.; Campos, L. M.
Bandgap Engineering through Controlled Oxidation of Polythiophenes. Angew. Chemie Int. Ed.
English 2014, 53 (7), 1832–1836. Highlighted as Journal Cover.
9. Xia, J.; Capozzi, B.; Wei, S.; Strange, M.; Batra, A.; Moreno, J. R.; Amir, R. J.; Amir, E.; Solomon, G. C.;
Venkataraman, L.; et al. Breakdown of Interference Rules in Azulene, a Nonalternant Hydrocarbon.
Nano Lett. 2014, 14 (5), 2941–2945.
8. Liu, Z.; Wei, S.; Yoon, H.; Adak, O.; Ponce, I.; Jiang, Y.; Jang, W.-D.; Campos, L. M.; Venkataraman, L.;
Neaton, J. B. Control of Single-Molecule Junction Conductance of Porphyrins via a Transition-Metal
Center. Nano Lett. 2014, 14 (9), 5365–5370.
Prior to Queensborough:
7. Chiu, C.-Y.; Kim, B.; Gorodetsky, A. A.; Sattler, W.; Wei, S.; Sattler, A.; Steigerwald, M.; Nuckolls, C.
Shape-Shifting in Contorted Dibenzotetrathienocoronenes. Chem. Sci. 2011, 2 (8), 1480–1486.
6. Loo, Y.; Hiszpanski, A. M.; Kim, B.; Wei, S.; Chiu, C.-Y.; Steigerwald, M. L.; Nuckolls, C. Unusual
Molecular Conformations in Fluorinated, Contorted Hexabenzocoronenes. Org. Lett. 2010, 12 (21),
5. Wei, S.; Wang, J.; Venhuizen, S.; Skouta, R.; Breslow, R. Dendrimers in Solution Can Have Their
Remote Catalytic Groups Folded Back into the Core: Enantioselective Transaminations by Dendritic
Enzyme Mimics-II. Bioorganic Med. Chem. Lett. 2009, 19 (19), 5543–5546.
4. Skouta, R.; Wei, S.; Breslow, R. High Rates and Substrate Selectivities in Water by
Polyvinylimidazoles as Transaminase Enzyme Mimics with Hydrophobically Bound Pyridoxamine
Derivatives as Coenzyme Mimics. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131 (43), 15604–15605.
3. Breslow, R.; Wei, S.; Kenesky, C. Enantioselective Transaminations by Dendrimeric Enzyme Mimics.
Tetrahedron 2007, 63 (27), 6317–6321.
2. Wu, Q.; Zhu, M.; Wei, S.; Liu, L.; Guo, Q. Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Host-Guest Complexes of
p -nitrobenzoyl- β -cyclodextrin and Mono-6- O - m -nitrobenzoyl- β -cyclodextrin. Chinese J. Chem.
2005, 23, 98–104.
1. Wu, Q.; Zhu, M.; Wei, S.; Song, K.; Liu, L.; Guo, Q. Photoinduced Electron Transfer in
Host-Guest Complexes of α- and β-Substituted Naphthalene Derivatives with Mono-6-O-m-Nitrobenzoyl-
β-Cyclodextrin. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 2005, 52, 93–100.