Committee on Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness

2024-2027: (9 Members)

Faculty Representatives (Name, Department, Term Ends)

  1. Pinheiro, Susana, Math (2025, Chair)
  2. Marchese, Paul, Physics (2026)
  3. Mehta, Neeraj, Music (2026)
  4. Spezio, Stefan, Center for Tutoring and Academic Support (2026)
  5. Cercone, Alisa, English (2027, Secretary)
  6. Nercessian, Elizabeth, Student Success (2027)
  7. Ye, Fei, Mathematics & Computer Science (2027)
  8. Qin Li, Social Sciences (2028)

Student Representatives

  1. TBA
  2. TBA


  1. Jasper Lin, Social Sciences, CoC Liaison
  2. TBA, Steering Committee Designee
  3. Arthur Corradetti, Dean for Institutional Effectiveness, President's Liaison

Contact Information

Susana Pinheiro:

Bylaws Charges

Section 11. Committee on Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness

The Committee on Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness shall consist of nine (9) members of the faculty and eligible staff, reflecting, where possible, a balanced representation of faculty from varied programs and curricula, with no more than one representative from any given department; and two (2) students.

The Committee on Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness shall:

  1. Review and evaluate summary reports describing initiatives to assess student learning from academic departments, academies, and academic programs of the college;
  2. Review and evaluate documents relating to assessments of institutional effectiveness from all non-academic units of the college;
  3. Make annual reports of progress in the assessment of data collection, including:
    1. The review of assessment reports from each department/unit of the college;
    2. Courses/college units assessed from each department;
    3. Summary of Assessment data gathered from assessments;
    4. Any departmental conclusions drawn and/or actions taken as a result.
  4. Review and evaluate assessment procedures the College undertakes and make recommendations concerning these assessment initiatives to the Academic Senate, in support of principles of shared governance, academic freedom, and transparency.

The Committee meets every month at 12:15 PM. Spring 2025 meetings: February 26th, March 19th, April 9th, May (TBD). 

Steering Committee Suggested Goals/Committee Goals

  • Post meeting times asap at the top of your webpage, near the chair's contact information
  • Update your webpage to reflect new membership and change the heading to 2023-2026
  • Thank you for your work in finding whether department Assessment Coordinators are past Assessment Committee members -- let SC know when you have more information
  • Let SC know of any other department delinquent 2020 Assessment Reports, and we will help you get them
  • Invite Scott Litroff, Daniel Garbin, and Phil Nelan to a meeting this semester. One of us at least will come and we will help to find ways to streamline department reporting and your assessment process
  • Thank you for your outstanding Committee Guide Addendum!

Campus Cultural Centers

Kupferberg Holocaust Center exterior lit up at nightOpens in a new window
Kupferberg Holocaust Center Opens in a new window

The KHC uses the lessons of the Holocaust to educate current and future generations about the ramifications of unbridled prejudice, racism and stereotyping.

Russian Ballet performing at the Queensborough Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window
QPAC: Performing Arts CenterOpens in a new window

QPAC is an invaluable entertainment company in this region with a growing national reputation. The arts at QPAC continues to play a vital role in transforming lives and building stronger communities.

Queensborough Art Gallery exterior in the afternoonOpens in a new window
QCC Art Gallery

The QCC Art Gallery of the City University of New York is a vital educational and cultural resource for Queensborough Community College, the Borough of Queens and the surrounding communities.