Minutes of meeting 9/25/19


The Academic Senate Committee on Committee on Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness met on 9/25/19, 12:10PM, H205

Committee Members in Attendance:

Chukwudi Ikwueze (Social Sciences, 2022), Whan Ki Lee (Mathematics & Computer Sciences, 2020), Kevin Kolack (Chemistry, 2022, Secretary), Manuel Martinez (English, 2022), Amos Orlofsky (Biological Sciences and Geology, 2021, co-Chair), Barbara Rome (Nursing, 2021, co-Chair)

Absent: Raul Armendariz (Physics, 2021), Mi-Seon Kim (Library, 2021), 9th Committee member TBA (2020), TBA (student representatives)

Liaisons in Attendance:

Arthur Corradetti (Dean for Institutional Effectiveness, President's Liaison)

Absent: TBA (Steering Committee designee), Stephen Hammel (Committee on Committees designee)


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 PM

  1. Approval minutes from May 24, 2019 meeting: Motion to approve minutes with corrections by Kevin Kolack seconded by Whan Ki Lee; minutes approved with corrections.
  2. Approval of Agenda: voted unanimously to approve agenda
  3. Elections for Chairperson and Secretary - unopposed
    1. Motion to elect co-chairs made by Barbara Rome and seconded by Whan Ki Lee approved unanimously. Motion to elect Barbara Rome and Amos Orlofsky as co-chairs approved unanimously.
    2. Motion to elect Kevin Kolack as secretary approved unanimously.
  4. Review of Committee charges
    1. Question raised by Kevin Kolack about whether it is the committees responsibility to look at student assessment of faculty and peer assessment of faculty. Arthur Coradetti explained that it is not a charge of the committee.
    2. Recommendation to review Middle States Report recommendations. Committee agreed to add this to committee goals for year.
    3. Goal to look at curriculum maps and program assessment.
    4. Discussion over how the committee was formed as a result of last Middle States report. One of Middle States cited that we need to do a better job on program assessment .
    5. Problem raised, there are multiple disciplines in one program and no identified person in charge. Amos stated that his department has a new Assessment Committee.
    6. Recommendation to have a separate report from committee to college on recommendations from Middle States. Also present at monthly meeting of chairs on what committee is looking for on the Year End Report in order to advance Institutional Effectiveness which comes directly from the Middle States Report. This will provide support and guidance on how the committee can help departments with assessment.
    7. Overview of committee work on looking at Teaching and Non-teaching reports and Program Review and develop a schedule for looking at them. Suggestion by Amos to have two levels of review that occurs for the Teaching and Non-teaching departments. Teaching would have an in depth review looking at Year End Report and courses assessed. As opposed to Non-teaching which would be reviewed on a rotating basis.
    8. Continue to help improve the Institutional Effectiveness website.
    9. Showcasing departments that do assessment well so that other departments can learn from them.
  5. Next meeting October 23, 2019 at 2:00pm M317
  6. Meeting adjourned 2:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Kolack, Ph.D.
Committee on Committee on Assessment & Institutional Effectiveness, Secretary

Minutes typed on 9/25/19

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