Academic Senate Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2023
Steering Committee Chairperson Dr. Steven Dahlke called the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Academic Senate to order at 3:12 PM. The meeting was held in a hybrid format, with attendees both in M136 and on Zoom. Chairperson Dahlke chaired the meeting from M136.
I. Attendance
49 votes were recorded at the time attendance was taken; 65 members of the Academic Senate were present during the meeting.
Absent: Andrea Alfaro, Raul Armendariz, Mark Chropufka, Shenaz Georgilis, Azita Mayeli, Mark Schiebe, Richard Tayson, Abdul Wahab, Davia Willis, Haishen Yao
II. Approval of the Agenda
Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the agenda. There were no objections.
III. Consideration of the Minutes from the May 9th meeting
Chairperson Dahlke used unanimous consent to approve the minutes.
Marvin Gayle was present at the May 9th meeting.
Ali Ragoub should not be marked as absent as he was not a Senator at that time.
IV. Communications from:
A. President Christine Mangino
The Senate received President Mangino’s Report
President Mangino welcomed everyone back and welcomed the new senators. Enrollment is up 5.5%, 10,377 students. FTE is only up 3%. Many programs are up in enrollment. There is a pop-up window with a letter from the President to track enrollment. Students need more engagement and socialization, as students are feeling much anxiety. President Mangino asked faculty to be more aware of students who have stress and refer them to the Counseling Center.
The Gardner Institute invited QCC to participate in "Achieving the Dream" and the Jed Foundation, which focuses on student health, leading to student success. A survey will be sent to faculty by the Gardner Institute to assess our capacity to focus on building our capacity. There will be questions about leadership, data, technology, and the structural part of the institution and help QCC build compacity.
Budget - By 2025, it was hoped that QCC would be out of the structural deficit, and now there is a 3% (3 million dollars) city cut to the institutional budget. QCC will not get out of the deficit by 2025. There is stimulus funding until 2027. However, in 2027, QCC may still have a 3-million-dollar deficit. There is a need to look to other places to cut but always focusing on student services.
President Mangino welcomed Dr. Phyllis Curtis-Tweed as the new Provost and Gissette Forte, VP for Finance and Administration. We are looking for an HR executive director as Sangeeta Noel has been the interim director but is retiring in October.
Math Tutoring Center moved to CTAS in the Library Space with ramps for students with accessibility ramps. Continuing Ed is going to FLIP by the bus stop and an awning out to the neighborhood so people can see that QCC has a Continuing Education Workforce Program. The former Bookstore will house all special programs: ASAP, CUNY Start, and College Discovery.
QCC had a floor in a building in Flushing, which cost $700,000.00. CUNY and the city cannot pay for this rental any longer. As a result, The Port of Entry Program, which has 118 students, will now be on campus, and students will hopefully continue at QCC.
President Mangino thanked everyone for their work.
B. UFS Report
UFS passed an Academic Integrity update related to Artifical Intelligence. The UFS unanimously approved the update, and it now will go through the Board of Trustees Office of Student Life and offices of CUNY central. UFS is also monitoring the expansion of CUNY online programs. Presently, QCC has one online program related to Business Administration. Other CUNY colleges are integrating online programs. A website outlines some parameters on the University Faculty Senate blog, keeping faculty aware of the latest trends in higher education at CUNY.
The transition from BB to Brightspace was discussed. Dr. Tai found a pdf from the University of Buffalo that compares BB and BrightSpace. If anyone is interested in pdf, please email Dr. Tai -
C. Steering Committee Monthly Report
Dr. Dahlke acknowledged and welcomed new senators joining us here today. He offered a round of applause to these new senators to be acknowledged and welcomed new student senators. Dr. Dahlke congratulated President Mangino on her first three years. Dr. Dahlke welcomed Dr. Phyllis Curtis-Tweed as the new Provost, who addressed the Academic Senate via Zoom. Dr. Curtis-Tweed addressed the retention of students and looks forward to working with the Academic Senate. Welcome Dr. Gissette Forte, VP Finance and Administration. Dr. Dahlke also thanked Zivah Katz for her service to the Academic Senate.
As a reminder, senators were asked to sign and log in to CUNFIRST on the Agenda page to log in to meetings. We can improve the SSO link provided on the agenda webpage. It is easier to take attendance easier via ZOOM. If anyone is remote, please have your name on the screen for accuracy and attendance. Dr. Dahlke also welcomed all the new chairs of the various departments.
V. Monthly Reports
There were no monthly reports.
VI. Unfinished Business
There were no unfinished business.
VII. New Business
• Julian Stark spoke on Committee Service. The Computer Resource Committee needs two
members. They meet three times a semester during Club hours. Chairpersons are asked to
encourage faculty members in their departments. Please send any nominations to
• Elisabeth Lackner spoke about Trends in Student Experiences and Faculty Satisfaction
and the COACHE SURVEY. Elizabeth spoke about reasons students dropped out of college,
including finances, the need to find work, be a parent, rent/mortgage, and hunger. Mental
health issues included depression, depression and not feeling well to attend college. Ways to
increase retention included communication with students and encouraging students to utilize
QCC services, seek help, and utilize advisors.
• COACHE Report - 111 QCC faculty responded to the survey. The report can be found on
the website under faculty. Areas of strengths and areas for improvement were discussed.
The next steps are for the faculty to review the findings. There will be a CUNY-wide report
to come and build a COACHE task force for recommendations.
• Special Committee on Pedagogical Response to Artificial Intelligence - A special
committee will be formed for faculty to use AI in the classroom and policies for actions or
recommendations for any infractions. The following members have agreed to serve: Dr.
Phyllis Curtis-Tweed from Academic Affairs; Michael DeMarco, Chairperson of WID
WAC; Beth Counihan from FES, Steering Committee Member; Scott Litroff has agreed to
serve as Chairperson and Davia Willis—President of Student Government Student. There
was a call from department chairs who might be willing to serve on the committee. The
committee will meet 1-3 times and attend the Academic Senate Meeting in October. There
was a motion to form this committee, which was seconded. There was no discussion. By
way of a poll, the recommendation was unanimously passed.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 PM.
Philip Nelan, Secretary
Academic Senate Steering Committee