ePermit Information
CUNYfirst ePermit Instructions
Log into CUNYfirst
Navigate to the Student Center and select “Academic Records”
Select the ePermit option in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
At the top of the page, please click “Add E-permit with Equivalent Courses”. Then put a checkmark to confirm your desired term for the ePermit. If you are transferring between CUNY colleges and see two colleges as an option, select the term in the college you are transferring to. Hit Continue under the table.
Use this page to find the course you wish to take. Once you select the desired course, a pop up with the details about the course will come up. On the right side of the pop up click on "fetch equivalent CUNY courses" to search for equivalent courses across all institutions.
Select the course corresponding to the desired home college for the ePermit request. You may click on the "View Class Sections" button to view open sections at the host college. Click on ePermit Form under the courses table to continue.
On the ePermit Form in the Permit Type section, make sure to select what requirement this course fulfills in your degree. For example, major elective, general elective, PATHWAYS Required Core and etc.
- Double check your application. Make sure your ePermit request is assigned to the proper semester. Click on "Submit" and you're done! On the ePermit form in the Status section, your request will be marked as "Initiated".
You may check on the status of each of your ePermit requests by returning to the Student Center and choosing the ePermit option on the drop down menu.
If you need help or have any questions, feel free to email epermit@qcc.cuny.edu or visit the Registrar’s Office in the Administration Building Rm A-104 and we will gladly assist you.
Accessing the Equivalent Course Feature
CUNY schools list courses differently. For example, College Algebra at QCC is listed as MA-119, but at John Jay the equivalent course is listed as MAT 105. Students may inquire what the equivalent course may be at an alternative CUNY by following the instructions to access the Transfer Explorer (T-REX). This allows CUNY and non-CUNY students/faculty/staff to view the benefits of T-REX with an updated and integrated system.
Here is how you can access the course equivalent feature:
Go to the Transfer Explorer site
Click on View Course Equivalencies
Select the Sending College (any college(s) where you would like to take the course)
- Select the Receiving College (Queensborough Community College or where you would like to transfer the credit); then click Next (Select Disciplines)
Select the CUNY Subject(s); click Next (View Equivalencies)
Click on the "+" sign to see course details