Register for classes with CUNYfirst (CF)
City University of New York
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Login to CUNYfirst opens in a new window
Select HR/Campus Solutions from the left menu
Navigate to Self Service followed by Student Center
In the upper left corner, select Enroll, select Queensborough Community College for Institution
Choose your registration term and select Continue
Enter the class number or select search to search the schedule of classes
Under Search Criteria, select at least 2 search fields (subject, course number). To further refine your search, select Additional Search Criteria
Select Search
Review the search result and choose the sections that best fit your schedule. Once you have made your selection, choose Select Class
Review the class details and select Next to add the class to your Shopping Cart. Keep adding classes to your Shopping Cart until you have selected all the classes needed for registration and then select your Shopping Cart from this page. Your Shopping Cart is also accessible under the Plan tab at the top of the page.
***Important Note***
Adding classes to your shopping cart does not confirm enrollment. Steps 11-13 instruct you on how to confirm enrollment (finalize your registration). -
Once in the Shopping Cart, check the boxes next to the classes you wish to register for and select Enroll. You can also Delete and Validate classes. Validating classes lets you know if you have met the prerequisites before you enroll. Validation will also occur once you select Enroll
Review registration information and click Proceed to Step 2 of 3
Confirm your classes by clicking Finish Enrolling
*Your Registration is Not Completing Until You Click Finish Enrolling*
If you are having difficulties, please contact the CUNYfirst Helpdesk by email at