Faculty Handbook
Academic Structure
Queensborough Community College has 15 academic departments:
- Art and Design
- Biological Sciences and Geology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Engineering Technology
- English
- Foreign Languages and Literatures
- Health, Physical Education, and Dance
- History
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Music
- Nursing
- Physics
- Social Sciences
- Speech Communication and Theatre Arts
Contact information for each department is listed in the Departmental Directory within the Queensborough Telephone Directory, published annually.
Each department, subject to the Governance Plan and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, has control over the educational policies of that department through the vote of its faculty.
The department chair is the executive officer of the department and is responsible for its administrative work. The chair assigns teaching programs to the members of the department, represents the department on the College Personnel and Budget Committee and other committees throughout the College, heads the Department Personnel and Budget Committee, and recruits faculty. The chair is elected by secret ballot for a term of three years by a majority vote of the members of the department faculty.
The Department Personnel and Budget Committee (P&B) is concerned with departmental appointments, reappointments, promotions (except to the rank of professor), tenure, and leaves. All votes by the Committee are conducted by secret ballot and decision determined by the affirmative majority of those eligible to vote. The department chair, who chairs the Committee, has the responsibility of communicating to a candidate the results of the actions of the Committee. The Committee makes its recommendations to the Faculty Personnel and Budget Committee.
Further duties and responsibilities of the department chairperson and the department personnel and budget committee may be found in the College and University Bylaws.