Faculty Handbook
Personnel Policies and Procedures
Instructional Staff Credentials
The Instructional Staff is made up of teaching and non-teaching full-time and part-time Faculty and persons in the Higher Education Officer and College Laboratory Technician series. It is required that the following items be submitted to the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations prior to the effective date of initial appointment: official transcripts of all earned degrees, three professional letters of recommendation, an application for appointment, a current curriculum vitae, a copy of a verified social security card, and a complete and verified Employment Eligibility Verification form (I-9) with appropriate supporting documents. Proof of other credentials, such as professional certificates or licenses, must also be supplied to the College. The instructional staff member is to make sure that all subsequently earned credentials are submitted to the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations.
Curriculum Vitae
All faculty are expected to have a current, standard curriculum vitae on file in the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations. It is very important to have a current vitae on file when any personnel action is pending.
Policies & Practices
Throughout your employment at Queensborough Community College, it is important to be cognizant of the College and University policies and practices. For more information and a complete list of policies, please visit:
We kindly ask that you read each Policy, Procedure and Practice. We would like to point out the following specific Policies:
Title IX
CUNY Workplace Violence Prevention Program
QCC Workplace Violence Prevention Program
Computer Use/Email Policy – Computer User Responsibilities
Drugs, Tobacco & Alcohol
- Title: Information for the CUNY Community on the Risks and Consequences of Drug and Alcohol use
- Title: Drug and Alcohol Use Amnesty Policy
Queensborough Community College is committed to providing a supportive, safe and positive environment in which bullying is unacceptable. Bullying is deemed as unacceptable behavior on any College property, or at any College function, or activity; or through the use of any electronic, digital or printed materials, whether or not such use occurs on College property.
Personnel Files
The College maintains two personnel files for each instructional staff member: a
personal personnel file and an administrative personnel file. The personal personnel file will contain information submitted by the individual faculty member or generated by the College. Such information includes, but is not limited to, evidence of academic and professional accomplishments, memoranda relating to evaluations of professional performance, observation reports on academic and professional performance, and student evaluation data. Instructional staff members must be given the opportunity to read and initial items before they are placed in this personnel file. They may attach a comment if they so desire. Initialing does not, in itself, constitute approval of an item. If an instructional staff member refuses to initial any item, a statement to that effect must be attached to the item when it is placed in the personnel file. The personal personnel file is available in the Office of Faculty & Staff Relations for examination by the employee at his/her request. Members are encouraged to schedule appointments to examine their personal personnel files at least once each academic year. The contents of the personnel file are available to all those involved in the personnel review process for reappointments, tenure and promotion.
A separate administrative personnel file is maintained in the Office of the President on each instructional staff member. This file contains only such materials as requested by the College or supplied by the individual faculty member in connection with employment, promotion, or tenure. Examples of such material include transcripts, reference letters, and the application for employment. The administrative file is available only to persons responsible for the review and recommendation of the employee with respect to appointments, reappointments, promotions, or tenure.
Absences and Leaves
Faculty members (full-time and adjunct) who are unable to meet a class must inform their department chairperson, or his/her designee, in advance. If faculty members know well in advance that they will be out, the department should be given that information in writing. If the absence is of an emergency nature (for example, sudden illness) the faculty member should inform the department as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the chairperson, or his/her designee, in consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs to make arrangements for coverage of the class or classes affected.
Full-time faculty members must report all absences on their bi-weekly leave records. Adjunct leave records are also recorded bi-weekly. All leave records are submitted to the department chairperson for authorization and maintained in the Office of Human Resources & Labor Relations.
Employees’ time and leave records are maintained and processed according to employee title in the following offices:
Teaching and Non-Teaching Full-time Faculty, Higher Education Officers, College Laboratory Technicians: Faculty & Staff Relations, A-410
Adjuncts (teaching and non-teaching): Office of Adjunct Services, A-408
Full-time members of the teaching instructional staff shall be available for assignment to professional activities from the end of August to the day of Commencement. The period of annual leave for faculty is the day after Commencement to three working days prior to the following August 30. Per collective bargaining, full-time faculty are not entitled to annual leave between the end of August and Commencement.
All full-time and part-time faculty members must seek the chairperson’s prior approval for non-emergency absences and notify the chairperson as soon as the event date becomes known (i.e., jury duty, conference.) Absences are authorized when the absences occur due to illness or to bereavement leave that has been approved or to religious observance that is pre-approved. Absences for reasons other than illness will be considered ‘unauthorized’ and will result in pay deduction with the following exceptions:
CUNY Assignments/Events: Absences due to CUNY assignment or CUNY events must have prior approval of the Chairperson and the Office of Academic Affairs.
Jury Duty: Most full-time faculty members try to postpone jury duty to time periods that do not interfere/conflict with teaching responsibilities. If postponement is not an option, jury duty service will be excused upon submission to Faculty and Staff Relations of appropriate court documents. Adjunct faculty may be excused for up to 1/15 of their assigned teaching workload with appropriate court documentation. A faculty member who receives a summons to jury duty while classes are in session should immediately notify his/her chairperson.
Religious Observance: Reasonable accommodation will be made for faculty who request time off for religious observance. Requests must be submitted in writing to the chairperson prior to the start of the semester and pre-approved arrangements must be made to make up missed work.
Bereavement: Full-time instructional staff members shall be entitled to up to four days of paid bereavement leave for a death in the immediate family (defined as spouse, domestic partner, parent, step-parent, father-in-law, child, stepchild, sibling, grandparent or grandchild). Proof of bereavement shall be provided upon request made by the department chair, supervisor, or the College Human Resources Department.
Professional Development: Faculty may be excused for up to two conferences per academic year. No more than three days of absence will be excused per conference. Requests to attend conferences must be made in writing to the Chairperson. Individuals presenting or otherwise participating in conferences must claim QCC affiliation and may seek funding from the Office of Academic Affairs. Direct all questions related to faculty travel and reimbursement to Ms. Debra Maslanko, Director of Academic Operations, dmaslanko@qcc.cuny.edu .
Adjunct appointment: begin on the first day the adjunct teaches and ends with the final examination. Payment for absences on the first meeting day of classes or the last class meeting will be subject to approval by the Office of Academic Affairs upon written appeal. Adjunct faculty are paid for approved absences covered by the CBA Section 14.8 up to 1/15 of the semester workload. Absence, for any reason, that extends beyond 1/15 of the semester workload will result in pay deduction.
Leave for Temporary Disability
Faculty members accrue temporary disability leave (sick leave) of 20 calendar days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, authorized holidays and recesses, during each year of service. Temporary disability leave is computed commencing from the first absence from assigned duties and includes all subsequent business days, terminating with the return of the faculty member to his/her scheduled teaching program. Absences in excess of cumulative accrued temporary disability leave and/or unauthorized absences shall be taken without pay. Temporary disability leave may be accrued up to a maximum of 160 days.
For absences that extend beyond five (5) days, FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) documents must be submitted by the faculty member and his/her physician to the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations, A-410.
Dedicated Sick Leave/Sick Leave Bank
Eligible employees are permitted to donate sick leave and/or annual leave for use as sick leave to seriously ill or injured colleagues based upon guidelines provided in the University's Dedicated Sick Leave Policy.
For more information, see Human Resources and Labor Relations
Leave for Ill Family Member
Full-time instructional staff will be permitted to use up to three days of accrued temporary disability leave annually for the care of an ill family member, consistent with applicable rules and procedures.
For more information, see Human Resources and Labor Relations
Worker’s Compensation
All faculty and staff accidents occurring on campus must be documented and worker’s compensation forms filled out in Health Services. Once forms are completed by the nurse they are sent to the Office of Personnel for claim processing.
Paid Parental Leave
The Paid Parental Leave Benefit may provide for up to 8 consecutive weeks of paid leave after the birth or adoption of a child. For information regarding eligibility requirements please contact the Benefits Officer in the Office of Personnel, room A-412.
Parental Leave (unpaid)
Leaves for caring for newborn infants are granted to the faculty upon notification to the president and application for such leave, provided the applicant is legally responsible for the care and support of the child. These leaves are without pay. Such leaves, insofar as is practical, begin on February 1 or September 1. The duration of the leave is one full semester. It may be extended for a period not in excess of one year from the end of the original leave. No further extension shall be granted.
Annual Leave
Under the current CUNY/Professional Staff Congress (PSC) contract the period of annual leave for teaching members of the faculty is from the day after Commencement until the third day, excluding Saturday and Sunday, that precedes August 30th following such commencement.
Persons in the Higher Education Officer (HEO) and College Laboratory Technician series hired on or after January 1, 1988, shall accrue 15 annual leave days during the first year of service and 15 days plus one additional day per year of service thereafter up to a maximum of 25 days. (Persons in the HEO, Business Manager, and College Laboratory Technician series hired prior to January 1, 1988, shall accrue 25 annual leave days per year.)
Members of the Instructional Staff who are employed full-time as Librarians shall accrue 40 work days of annual leave annually.
Effective August 25, 2006, instructional staff members who, on or after September 1, 1998, were appointed or assigned full-time as Counselors or to other student personnel assignments, except those in the Higher Education officer series, will have the number of annual leave days equivalent to the number of days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, between the day after the spring commencement until the third day, excluding Saturday and Sunday, preceding the thirtieth of August that follows such commencement. The annual leave will be scheduled, at the discretion of the college, in no less than four-week periods, except for the last of such periods, which shall consist of the remaining number of days of annual leave.
Annual leave can be accrued to a cap of 45 days for non-teaching instructional staff who are represented by the PSC or to a maximum of their "personal" cap as established August 31, 1987. As of August 31 of any year, non-teaching instructional staff members must have exhausted all annual leave in excess of their cap. Non-teaching instructional staff members must submit a written request and receive approval from their supervisors before taking annual leave.
Sabbatical (Fellowship) Leave
Tenured faculty members and lecturers with Certificates of Continuous Employment may apply for sabbatical leave after six years of full-time service in tenure-bearing titles, exclusive of leaves for other purposes. The application must be approved by both the Department and Faculty Personnel and Budget Committees, endorsed by the president of the College and granted by the Board of Trustees. Special consideration will be given applicants who have not had a sabbatical in fourteen years or more. There are three types of fellowship leaves: a one year leave at 80% of the bi-weekly salary rate of pay, a one semester leave at 80% of the bi-weekly salary rate of pay for the period of the leave and concomitant annual leave period, and a one-half year leave at full pay. Applications may be made for research, including study and related travel; improvement of teaching; creative work in literature or the arts. The application for leave to begin in a fall semester must be submitted to the chairperson by November 1 of the preceding academic year; application for leave to begin in a spring semester must be submitted to the chairperson by March 1 of the preceding spring.
Professional Reassignment for Librarians
Full-time members of the instructional staff who serve in the libraries may apply for Professional Reassignment, not to exceed five weeks during any one academic year, for research, scholarly writing, and other recognized professional activities that enhance their contribution to the College. Reassignments are subject to approval by both the department and Faculty Personnel and Budget Committees.
Partial Leaves
Individuals may apply for a Partial Leave which, if approved by the Department and College Personnel and Budget Committees, the president and the University, will result in a workload reduction during the semester that the leave is taken with a corresponding reduction in salary for the semester and for the concomitant annual leave period. Such leaves shall be requested for academic purposes in rare and unusual circumstances and must be for the mutual benefit to the faculty member and the College.
Leaves for Special Purposes
Leaves for special purposes without pay may be granted to faculty for study, writing, research, creative work, or public service, of reasonable duration. These leaves require approval of the Department and Faculty Personnel and Budget Committees, the president and the University.
Retirement Leave (Travia)
Faculty members who are eligible for retirement benefits and who announce their bona fide intention to retire shall be granted a retirement leave of absence with full pay consisting of one half of their accumulated unused temporary disability leave pay to a maximum of one semester.
Health Plans
Health Plans for Full-time Instructional Staff (Teaching and Non-teaching)
Full-time Instructional Staff members are eligible for health coverage under the City of New York’s Health Benefits program (NYCHBP).
Effective July 1, 2019, HIP Prime HMO will be the health plan available to new employees. Three hundred sixty-six (366) days after the initial appointment at the College, employees will have the opportunity to choose from a number of basic health insurance plans and change enrollment.
For detailed information about available health plans, including forms, please visit the HR website. Please note this website is regularly updated with the latest information on health plans, open enrollment periods, and new forms, as well as supplemental plans available to full-time members.
Health Plans for Adjuncts
Eligibility for health insurance coverage for Adjuncts:
Teaching Adjuncts, must complete adjunct instruction at CUNY in the two consecutive semesters immediately preceding the semester in which the adjunct is applying. Teaching adjuncts must work and maintain at least 6 teaching hours per week in the semester that they are applying for coverage and thereafter.
Non-Teaching Adjuncts, must complete the two consecutive semesters immediately preceding the semester in which the non-teaching adjunct is applying with at least 15 non-teaching hours per week. Non-teaching Adjuncts must work at least 15 non-teaching hours per week in the semester that they are applying.
Both teaching and non-teaching Adjuncts must maintain the minimum number of hours required for the full semester to ensure the continuation of health insurance coverage.
Please visit the College’s Human Resources website for additional information regarding adjunct benefits. Enrollment is not automatic; the Benefits Office must be contacted
718 631-6077 to inquire about enrollment.
PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Benefits
Full-time instructional staff members are eligible for PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund benefits. These include: prescription, optical, dental, disability, hearing aid, term life insurance, and death benefits. These benefits are non-contributory plans. There are some contributory plans available. To enroll, a PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Enrollment Form can be obtained in the Personnel Office.
For detailed information about these benefits, please visit the PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund website or the College’s Human Resources website.
Retirement Plans
New York State Education Law Section 6253 mandates participation in a retirement system. New full-time instructional staff members, paid from tax-levy funds, have 30 days from their appointment effective date to choose a retirement program; the choice is irrevocable. If no choice is filed within 30 days, the law mandates assignment to The Teachers’ Retirement System of The City of New York (TRS).
Eligible members may choose between TRS or the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) currently funded through The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America – College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF). If TIAA-CREF is selected upon initial appointment to a full-time instructional position, participation in TIAA-CREF will continue upon transfer or reclassification into another instructional position within the University.
Members who already have membership with TRS, the Board of Education Retirement System (BOERS) or the New York City Employees Retirement System (NYCERS) may remain in their program. Recently appointed members with previous membership of BOERS or NYCERS may elect to remain a member by filing an application for Transferred Contributor status within 30 days of appointment at QCC.
Persons in substitute titles may choose to not have membership in a retirement program or pension system.
Employee Assistance & Worklife Program
An important benefit offered to CUNY employees is the CUNY Work/Life Program. This free, confidential assistance program is available to employees and their families to help balance the demands and challenges of their professional and personal lives. The program, provided by Deer Oaks, provides a range of free services, among them: mental or physical health concerns, legal issues, anxiety, depression and wellness support, child care, eldercare, financial planning, etc. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling or visiting:
(855) 492-3633
User ID: qbcc
Password: qbcc
Tuition Waivers in CUNY
Tuition may be waived for undergraduate and graduate courses at any college of The City University of New York.
- The number of undergraduate credits per semester for which tuition may be waived is unlimited. In order to qualify for an undergraduate tuition waiver, one must be a full-time instructional staff member for one year.
- The number of graduate credits per semester for which tuition may be waived is six. There is no service requirement for graduate tuition waiver.
No waivers are available for courses offered during summer session.
To request a tuition waiver, please contact the Personnel Office at 718-631-6077 or visit the Tuition Waiver Information website
Benefits Contact Information
Please contact Ysabel Macea, Director of Benefits at ymacea@qcc.cuny.edu or call
718-631-6077 for all benefits related questions.
Please note that the Human Resources website is regularly updated to include detailed benefits information.