Faculty Handbook
General Personnel Information
Identification Cards
To ensure that College facilities are available only to authorized persons, all adjuncts and full-time faculty members are issued identification cards, which include the picture of the holder. The ID Room is located in room A-204. The Office is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM and Tuesday from 9 AM to 7 PM. There is no cost for an initial ID card. Lost or damaged ID cards may be replaced for a $10 fee. No appointments are necessary, but the office is extremely busy just prior to and at the beginning of a semester. The ID also serves as the College Library card. Faculty, staff and students should carry their ID card and display it when asked by Public Safety and Security staff.
For further information call 718-281-5091 or see ID Card Policy for Faculty, Staff and Students.
E-mail Accounts
All full-time and part-time instructional staff members will have an e-mail account. E-mail accounts are to be utilized for the sole purpose of conducting official college business including communications with students. Faculty are responsible for checking their e-mail accounts regularly as e-mail is a primary medium for sending official college communications.
For further information call IT at 718-631-6348.
E-mail Distribution - Administrative Policy
The “Everyone” distribution list is restricted for use by the president, vice presidents, deans, and certain Academic and Administrative department heads. It is used to communicate official College information.
Dialogues is a collection of forums that provide a solution for email communication and collaboration. In addition to the Community and Faculty Dialogues, a Dialogue for each academic department has been established. Membership to these Dialogues is NOT solely restricted to members of the corresponding academic department. Any individual with an interest in the discipline may subscribe and communicate with members of the forum.
E-mail usage at Queensborough Community College is governed by the College Policy on Computer User Responsibilities which can be found on the College Website.
Distribution of Paychecks
Direct Deposit: Instructional staff members may choose to have their pay deposited directly into either their savings or checking bank account. Employees may enroll in this program electronically by completing an application accessed through the New Employee Resource Center. A “voided” check or pre-printed bank authorization from the account must be presented at the time of enrollment. Call for Payroll Office hours at 718-631-6316.
Day Pick-up: Paychecks for current pay dates will be available to be picked up at the Accounting Office, A-406, on Thursdays prior to pay dates between 3 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. Accounting office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
For further information call 718-631-6318 or 6316.
Payroll Services
Telephone: 718-631-6316
QCC’s Payroll Office has the responsibility for Tax-Levy payroll functions. Payroll ensures that with the proper and timely submission of appropriate documents and timesheets all employees are paid in a timely and accurate manner. Also, the payroll office ensures that all data, records and reports are maintained and submitted in accordance with acceptable CUNY standards while in compliance with negotiated bargaining unit contracts.
CUNYfirst Account: Change of Name, Address, or Credentials
All faculty will have a CUNYfirst (Fully Integrated Resources and Services Tool) account. CUNYfirst components include General Ledger, Human Capital Management, Recruiting, Planning and Budgeting, Course Catalog, Faculty Workload and Student Services. Within CUNYfirst, faculty can review their personal information, teaching schedule, class roster(s), enter attendance and post grades.
The CUNYfirst system will assign each faculty member an Empl ID number which will be used for identification purposes in the system. It is important to review accuracy of personal information, such as contact information, gender, ethnicity, by logging into Employee Self-Service. Changes of personal address, additional degrees or licenses can also be updated in your CUNYfirst account under Employee Self-Service.
Professional Staff Congress
The Professional Staff Congress (PSC) is the union of CUNY’s faculty and staff. The PSC is an affiliate of the New York State United Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers, and the American Association of University Professors. All members of the instructional staff (faculty, higher education officer series [HEOs], college laboratory technicians [CLTs] and all adjuncts) are members of the collective bargaining unit (CBU) and are covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or contract.
The PSC is CUNY’s instructional staff bargaining agent. It negotiates contracts covering the terms and conditions of employment of CUNY personnel in the bargaining unit, provides Welfare Fund and other benefits, and handles grievances of members and nonmembers.
Membership is not automatic. One must sign a membership card (full-time or adjunct) to become a member. Cards are available from the chapter chair or the central PSC office, at 212-354-1252, or the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations, A-410.
Membership confers the advantage of having a vote in chapter and general elections and on contract ratifications and allows individuals to run for general and chapter officer positions. Membership strengthens the political power of the PSC, which must deal and negotiate not only with CUNY management, but also with New York State and New York City. If you are a member, you will receive PSC’s award-winning publication, Clarion, as well as NYSUT’s and AFT’s publications.The PSC maintains an extensive website, which is a great source of information on virtually all aspects of the PSC and the greater union movement. You are urged to visit. Members may also discuss issues related to the terms and conditions of employment with the PSC department representative, the grievance officer, or the chapter chair. Members of the union may bring matters to the chapter officers for consideration by the Executive Board or possibly at a general chapter meeting. In addition, e-mails are often sent to all members by chapter officers. Occasionally, electronic newsletters are sent to all members and posted on the chapter website.
Appeal, Complaints, and Grievances
Faculty members may appeal negative decisions of Department and Faculty Personnel and Budget Committees on reappointments and promotions by requesting a hearing before the Academic Review Committee. Further appeal may be submitted in the form of a letter to the president of the College. (See also Article Xl of Faculty Bylaws.) In this situation, faculty members are urged to contact the Queensborough Chapter Grievance Officer.
A complaint is an informal claim by a faculty member, or by the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), of improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment.
A grievance is a formal allegation that there has been a breach, misinterpretation, or improper application of a term in the PSC/CUNY Agreement or an arbitrary or discriminatory application of the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees and written policies of the Board related to terms and conditions of employment. Faculty members may consult the most recent PSC/CUNY Agreement for further information on grievances. Faculty who have questions about these policies should contact the QCC Chapter Grievance Officer who may advise additional meeting with Officers of the College and University.