Faculty Handbook
Appointments, Reappointments, and Promotions
It is the responsibility of all members of the faculty as professional educators to perform teaching, research, publication and creative activities and such other activities as befits members of a faculty including participation in Department, College and University Academic and Governance Committees.
More information on the requirements for tenure and promotion are described in the CUNY Bylaws found at the Trustees site.
Full-time Faculty Appointments
Ordinarily, initial full-time appointments to the faculty shall be for one year or to the end of the academic year in which the appointment takes place. Full-time reappointments shall be for no less than one year except for full-time substitutes who are appointed for one semester at a time. As temporary employees, substitutes have no presumption of reappointment and do not have faculty status.
For appointment to faculty rank or promotion within faculty rank, candidates must meet the requirements of the CUNY Bylaws (articles 11.7 and 11.8), some of which are listed below.
For appointment as assistant professor, or promotion to associate professor or professor, a candidate must possess a Ph.D. degree or equivalent. Faculty should consult their chairpersons concerning the requirements in their department and/or discipline.
In addition to the degree requirement, some of the following conditions for appointment or promotion are applicable:
To Lecturer full-time - one must possess a baccalaureate degree and other qualifications necessary for the satisfactory performance of instructional functions.
To Instructor - the candidate must hold an appropriate Master's degree or have
active progress toward a doctorate. The candidate must also have demonstrated satisfactory qualities of personality and character, ability to teach successfully, interest in productive scholarship or creative achievement and willingness to cooperate with others for the good of the institution.
To Assistant Professor- the candidate must have demonstrated satisfactory qualities of personality and character, evidence of significant success as a teacher, interest in productive scholarship or creative achievement, and a willingness to cooperate with others for the good of the institution. He or she must also hold the Ph.D. degree, or equivalent.
(Note: Persons holding positions as Assistant Professors or Instructors on December 31, 1975 in the community colleges shall have a Master's degree and four [4] years of
appropriate teaching, technological, or industrial experience or the Ph.D.)
To Associate Professor - the candidate must possess the same qualifications as those for an assistant professor and must also possess a record of significant achievement in the chosen field or profession, or as a college or university administrator. There must also be evidence of intellectual energy which has gained respect outside the immediate academic community. There must further be evidence of continued growth and of continued effectiveness in teaching.
To Professor - the candidate must possess the qualifications for an associate professor and must also have a record of exceptional intellectual, educational, or artistic achievement and an established reputation for excellence in teaching and scholarship in the discipline. The judgment for promotion shall consider primarily evidence of continued growth, achievement in teaching, and scholarship following the most recent promotion.
A seniority list for departments is obtainable from departmental chairs.
Ordinarily, initial full-time appointments to the faculty shall be for one year or to the end of the academic year in which the appointment takes place. Full-time reappointments shall be for no less than one year except for full-time substitutes who are appointed for one semester at a time. As temporary employees, substitutes have no presumption of reappointment and do not have faculty status.
For appointment to faculty rank or promotion within faculty rank, candidates must meet the requirements of the CUNY Bylaws (articles 11.7 and 11.8), some of which are listed below.
Adjunct Appointments
All adjunct appointments are made on a semester basis and are contingent on the approval of the Office of Academic Affairs, sufficient enrollment, and receipt of required credentials. Prior to the first day of the semester or the first day of the appointment, a prospective adjunct should contact the Office of Adjunct Services, in room A-204, at 718-281-5768 to make an appointment for employment and application processing. An adjunct that has been approved for hire will be contacted by the Office of Adjunct Services for employment processing.
Semester appointments begin with the first day the adjunct teaches and ends the last day the adjunct teaches. Teaching adjuncts are not entitled to excused absences on the first day their class meets except in emergency situations and approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
For more information, please refer to the published Adjunct Procedural Manual.
Multiple Positions
Full-time non-tenure track faculty, including Instructors and Lecturers, and tenured full-time faculty are eligible for overload assignments in addition to their regular teaching schedules. Regardless of reassigned time, persons in these titles may be assigned up to a maximum of 8 total contact hours over the fall and spring of an academic year. Additionally, faculty in the above titles are eligible for extra overload assignments to a maximum of 6 total contact hours for teaching courses offered during winter session, in courses offered exclusively on Saturdays and Sundays, or in courses offered as part of on-line degree programs.
Full-time non-tenured assistant professors, associate professors and professors are not eligible for overload assignments.
Assignments offered to eligible faculty members at CUNY schools other than QCC must be approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs in connection with the Department Personnel and Budget Committee.
Outside employment (outside of CUNY) is limited to the equivalent of 7 hours per week and must be approved by the Department Personnel and Budget Committee. It is understood that a full-time faculty member's primary employment responsibility is to QCC.
For more information, see Policies and Procedures.
Promotion and Tenure
The criteria for promotion and tenure are clearly stated in the University Bylaws (articles 9.8 and 11.7) Each candidate's credentials for appointment, reappointment, or promotion are reviewed by their respective departmental Personnel and Budget Committees and the College Personnel and Budget Committee. The role of the department chair is to guide the candidate through the process and present the candidate's accomplishments to the Department and College Personnel and Budget Committees. It is recommended that Department Personnel and Budget Committee members review a candidate's Personal file in the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations prior to the Department vote. Chairpersons review candidates Personal files and evaluate the accomplishments of the candidates, with respect to the criteria stated in the bylaws. It should be noted that department Personnel and Budget Committees do not review credentials for promotion to full professor. A candidate for promotion to full professor has the opportunity to present his or her credentials directly to the College Personnel and Budget Committee.
The bylaws of the Board of Trustees may be obtained here.
Promotion and Tenure
The criteria for promotion and tenure are clearly stated in the Part II of CUNY's Code of Practice Regarding Instructional Staff Titles and Article V of CUNY's Manual of General Policy. Additionally, each Academic Department has developed promotion and tenure criteria pertinent to its discipline(s). Please contact your department chairperson for detailed information. Each candidate's credentials for appointment, reappointment, or promotion are reviewed by their respective departmental Personnel and Budget Committees and the College Personnel and Budget Committee. The role of the department chair is to guide the candidate through the process and present the candidate's accomplishments to the Department and College Personnel and Budget Committees. It is recommended that Department Personnel and Budget Committee members review a candidate's Personal file in the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations prior to the Department vote. Chairpersons review candidates' Personal files and evaluate the accomplishments of the candidates with respect to the criteria stated in the bylaws. It should be noted that department Personnel and Budget Committees do not review credentials for promotion to full professor. A candidate for promotion to full professor has the opportunity to present his or her credentials directly to the College Personnel and Budget Committee. Guidelines for Promotion to rank of Full Professor can be accessed on Queensborough Community College's website along with Tenure and Promotion Support.